lsa content in wild morning glory


in my area (southeast us) morning glory grows abundantly in the wild. do these wild varieties contain any significant lsa in the seed?


It depends on which type of morning glories are near you?

The ones you really want are:
Ipomoea violacea

Maybe this can help you more than I can though:
thanks for the link but every erowid report on morning glory seems to be based on store bought seeds or seeds that are taken fron a known speices (usualy Ipomoea violacea). i guess what im asking is are there a speices of morning glory that have no usable phycoactive substances, and are the wild growing speices in the southeast u.s. Ipomoea violacea or is that type only used in gardens and flowerpots (i.e. storebought). i know i can go down to the garden section of my local walmart and buy all the Heavenly Blues or Pearly Gates i want for realitvly cheap, but the stuff is growing everywhere in my area. i walked into my backyard and picked about 50 seed pods in a matter of minutes, each one containing about 4-5 hard, black seeds.

well, ive aready started a simple cold water extraction so i should know in a couple days if its the real deal. still, any info as to the speices of wild morning glory in my area will be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, sorry i dont have any info for you but I do have a question.

Ive been wondering about how you get the seeds off morning glorys. Do they need to pollinate eachother like cannabis? I have two in front of my yard. I understand there will be seedpods but ive never seen any.


from what i understand, after a pollinated flower blooms and wilts, a small pod is left behind wich will swell up a bit, dry up, turn brown and then eventualy open up, releasing the seeds. i believe the pods can be harvested before they open and you can dry them yourself, but im not positive about this. when i was in my yard collecting seeds there were many of these "immature" seed pods. when i split one open the seeds were white and soft. i read somewhere that it was skeptisized that these immature seeds have more lsa content than the mature ones, but there was no proof to back it up. ill try to find the link for you.

as far as there being seperate male and female sexes, i have no clue. it seems that if that were the case only some plants would produce flowers while others produce pollen, but that doesnt seem right bc when you buy a pack of MG seeds from the store all the resulting plants should produce flowers. maybe someone else is more informed and can give a better answer. maybe i'm completley wrong alltogether, but this is what i've concluded from my research on morning glory.

regarding pollination:

excerpt from Growing the Hallucinogens
How to Cultivate and Harvest Legal Psychoactive Plants

by Hudson Grubber


Harvesting: The seeds may be gathered as the pods become brown and dry. Immature seeds are more bitter than ripe ones. It has been reported that immature seeds contain more alkaloids, but this has not been confirmed. There are approximately 850 seeds per ounce of the Heavenly Blue variety. The stem and leaves contain some alkaloid. However, because they contain purgative principles, this part of the plant is used only in extraction. If used, pick fresh and dry quickly without heat."


Oracle of Hallucinogens
If you are able to get a flower off of the morning glories near you, maybe you can try to narrow down a genus via pictures? Then you'd know what you're working with/potentially the LSA content?


If you are able to get a flower off of the morning glories near you, maybe you can try to narrow down a genus via pictures? Then you'd know what you're working with/potentially the LSA content?
yea ill post up some pics when i get a chance and maybe someone can id it for me. the flowers are blue, but im sure there are many genuses (geni?) with blue flowers.


can u od on MG seeds?
i havent heard of an overdose of morning glory yet but the seeds do contain a type of vascodiolator which constricts the blood vessels of the extremities. if taken on a regular basis (like everyday for a month or somthing) it can cause gangrene and eventualy loss of limbs. i think its similar to ergot poisoning.

i would think pure lsa is like lsd in the way that you can't od (overdose meaning the point of toxicity in the body becomes high enough to cause death), but you can become permanantly mindfucked.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
i havent heard of an overdose of morning glory yet but the seeds do contain a type of vascodiolator which constricts the blood vessels of the extremities. if taken on a regular basis (like everyday for a month or somthing) it can cause gangrene and eventualy loss of limbs. i think its similar to ergot poisoning.

i would think pure lsa is like lsd in the way that you can't od (overdose meaning the point of toxicity in the body becomes high enough to cause death), but you can become permanantly mindfucked.
i think ill try this out
and order sum seeds online


btw does anyone have any experience with any of the lsa extraction methods for morning glory or hawaian baby woodrose? any tips or suggestions would be appreciated. eventually i want to try a solvent based extraction.


the seeds are they from the heavenly blue flowers
i found a seed site that sells them by the ounce[750 seeds]
they say not for human consumption
they are untreated and organic
heavenly blue will work perfect. organic and untreated is good also bc sometimes they are coated with some type of mercury chemical which isnt good for your insides. wash em up real good anyway though.

do some research. i learned most of what i know from erowid:

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
i want a strong trip
so if i order thats about 400 seeds
ill get an ounce
so thats 1500seeds
a site called shamansgarden
they have them for 8 bucks for an ounce


Oracle of Hallucinogens
meh.. I like their customer service, and the seeds are untreated. but to each his own ;-)


^yea i need to stop fucking with this backyard shit and order some heavenly blues. who knows though, i might drink my home brew and get my mind blown!