LSD First grow tell me how i'm doin


This is my first "serious" grow if you want to call it that. I don't have the ideal conditions for it. I'm growing it in my closet so it has really poor ventilation, but i try and keep the door open as much as possible.

how does my baby look? It's LSD by Barney's Farm. It's about the seventh week of the veg state. It's about 11 inches tall. I ran into some problems that stunted it's growth a bit but i think it's recovering nicely.

I have some baby pictures and few that i just took today.

I'm worried about the leaves, they are kinked at the ends, I don't know what its from. I want to start flowering in about a week or so... Yall think it's ready?



Well-Known Member
good seed choice... i've thinking of gettin a few of the LSD. there's definitely an issue goin on with your plant. her leaves shouldn't be drooping like they are. are you overwatering? what kind of light are you using? what are the details of your grow? soil, nutes, etc...? ph correct in your water?


I might be overwatering. I can't get the watering right... I keep either overwatering or going to the other extreem of underwatering. I was giving it nutrients but I got nute burn so i flushed the soil and started giving it artesian water from the local grocery store.

My details :

Fox Farms soil.. the ocean fish kind
No nutes anymore
I have 4 40w cfls and 2 23w cfls on that bitch
ph.. probably a 7 i can't find ph soil testers anywhere ughh it's agrivating


Well-Known Member
when i water... firstly, i have a sheet of paper taped up in my garden. on it it says "last watering was" and the date. i cross out last date on their, then write the new date. works well. personally, i do the "finger test" to decide when to water. sometimes the top of the soil will dry out, but deeper down, the soil is still moist. so i take my finger and push it about 2" down into soil. if it's still dry there, then i water. make sure your container has drainage holes, to avoid root rot and other nightmares. so at that point i'd mix up my ph balanced water with or without nutes. i usually mix up gallons of water at a time, then disperse them to plants with solo cups. pour a full cup in, and allow soil to absorb it. wait 20-30 seconds, then add more water. you want to water the plant until water begins to drip, not poor, out of drainage holes. that why you wait the 20-30 seconds, to see if it's draining yet. if you do that method, it's nearly impossible to overwater. you can find decent ph testers at your local pet store. use the freshwater ph test kit with the drops. cheap and easy. keep your cfls as close as you can without burning the plant. try fox farms tiger bloom when you do decide to flower.... hope this helps :)


Well-Known Member
Hey kath. Your plant doesn't look too bad.

Leaf ends curling down is the first sign of overnuting.
Ease back on the nutes and she'll be fine.

All the best for this grow.
I've just started an LSD grow so I'll be watching yours to see how it turns out.


Hey kath. Your plant doesn't look too bad.

Leaf ends curling down is the first sign of overnuting.
Ease back on the nutes and she'll be fine.

All the best for this grow.
I've just started an LSD grow so I'll be watching yours to see how it turns out.

I keep reading in other forums that they turn into hermies. So I really hope that doesn't happen cause that would be really shitty.


this is going to sound bad but how often should I water? Once a day? Twice a day? A couple times a week? I bought a grow book and that is one of the questions I can't seem to find.


Any ideas on the humidity & temp in the room? You can get a cheapo humidity meter in walmart.

Thinking of growing LSD next, subscribed.


this is going to sound bad but how often should I water? Once a day? Twice a day? A couple times a week? I bought a grow book and that is one of the questions I can't seem to find.
I have 2 gal pots and water them once every four days. Look at the links in the newb forum on this site there are some good pointers on how often to water.


Well-Known Member
I keep reading in other forums that they turn into hermies. So I really hope that doesn't happen cause that would be really shitty.
You must remember Cannabis is a weed, it always will be.
No matter how much we cross it, tweak it, improve it, it's still a weed.
This means it will always want to fertilize itself, to multiply.

Fem seeds have more hermie genetics in them. But all MJ has it to a degree.
Even if the plant produces 1 male flower and that produces 3 seeds, it's hermied.
Most of the time it's a small amount that are affected badly with hermie action.

You need to know what a male flower looks like so you know what to look for.
Hit the newbie section for that.

As for watering, you've had some good advice so far in this thread from your followers.
We need to know pot size but...
For now, less frequency, so when you water giver her a good one and then leave her for a few days minimum ;)
Pot size?


Yes. thank you for your help. I don't have internet sorry. I took what you guys had to say and applied it. I'll post a pic in a few days of what it looks like.