Well Im hooked on weed about like a crack addict I belive, you really don't want to meet me after about 48 hours of withdrawl, I shake, freeze when its 95 outside, cant think,
and so on. I use to have a hydrocodone addiction about 5 or so years ago it lasted for a year and I was eating like 10-12 10mg hydro tabs a time and atleast a script a day, once I took 15 of em and saw "the colors of the rainbow" laid on the sofa for a few hours, drooled all over the place and finally passout. I think I was pretty close to death but after that I stopped doing em, I didn't have any real withdrawl other than I was a prick for a while but nothing like when im off weed.
Does anyone else have such a hard time coming off pot???
Im sure someone is gonna say thats stupid, but ok you go from 5-10 blunts a day (pretty much staying stoned around the clock) to being sober and tell me.
ive been a hard core pot head for about 3-4 years now, if Im doing something I try to make sure Im high for it.