Nutes nutes nutes


Active Member
When is the best time to introduce nutes to your plants? What is recommended over what? Pre-mixed, or mix myself? Thanks:weed:


Well-Known Member
When is the best time to introduce nutes to your plants? What is recommended over what? Pre-mixed, or mix myself? Thanks:weed:
How old are your babies you dont want to start nutes to early?. Also what kind of nutes are you planning on using? I use botinicare but there are many different ones out there. Hope this helps I'm sure others will offer more advice.

Good Luck


Well-Known Member
I start off either seeds or clones with a tiny bit of nutes. As in 1/4 capful per gallon of water. If I am trying to sprouts seeds in the Aerogarden I throw half a big nute tablet in the resovoir. Have tried it with plain water and the light nuting does best for me. I use all Botanicare Products once I get them sprouted and transplanted. I use Pro Blend organic in veg and move them over to NPC 17 synthetic (along with one capful of Pro Blend Bloom) when its flower time. Just can't help but think the organic stuff gives it some trace elements the artificicial stuff might be lacking but it gets a bit pricey to use the organics for the full grow. The inorganic stuff is a lot cheaper and comes in bigger jugs. Hope this helps.


Active Member
Unless its organic plan on mixing. All companies make nutes that will work. Wait until you have 3-4 sets of real leaves before you give them nutes. Start out with very small amount and then build up. As they grow so will their appetite. Good luck! Happy growing :peace:


Active Member
Thanks to all. Actually just got the clones today! Any recommended brands or websites? I have no idea about nutes, or even the mixing ratio. Also a little late, but due to this funky weather maybe one will live outside! any thoughts?


Check out fox farm as the brand because i posted a similar thread and thats the advice that evryone has given me.

Have you already transplanted them into there final grow "bucket" ?


Active Member
Check out fox farm as the brand because i posted a similar thread and thats the advice that evryone has given me.

Have you already transplanted them into there final grow "bucket" ?
Yes sir. 25 Days old with very nice root systems. yummy. Ill check out the Fox Farm. Thanks :eyesmoke:


Active Member
Check out the many websites out there for nut info. Everyone likes different stuff. Any of the three part nutes are good. They contain all the basic nutes. Discount hydro, bgh hydro, so many places but it gives you an idea. You'll be able to get an idea of prices and what all the brands offer. I use AN myself and have had excellent results.


Active Member
4 me fox farms work the best, they have pre mixed soil that you dont have 2 use any nutes for at least 3 to 4 weeks. the soil has a ph of 6.3 perfect for a soil grow, their nutes are grow big, tiger bloom, and big bloom. the big bloom wont burn your plants and it is good for seedlings and transplants it cuts down on stress. but there are alot of nutes out there you just have to find the one that fits you.