Gypsy's Picture Depot


Well-Known Member
I don't... but I have heard of mites in other grows...


I guess we'll have to wait and see...

I was still kinda hoping to meet the aspired pound per light... but I guess I'm dreaming...:cry:


Well-Known Member

So your guess is 7.5 oz total?

or per light?
Well was that one plant in the pic?

Are they all that big?

Per plant if so....maybe I am crazy...but....

I have gotten 2+ z's from one plant and none of them were nearly that large...

Like 1/3 the size....I dunno...maybe I am crazy....I hope to get 3'z per plant of my own right now....(well, for 5 of them in the six gallon containers....)

And you have 19 gallon containers....I don't think my guess is UNREASONABLE.

Do you?


Well-Known Member
Hey gypsy I have been following along in the tree thread silently... I have also read through Blaze's grow.. The only thing I say that can't be accounted for is the medium. You know how the hydroton works cuz of your most recent setup.. so that will be a plus in your favor! Honestly bro... I say you get 1.75-2.5lbs outta the whole shebang. Adding those indicas in there is really gonna pump up your yield. That was a good decision so far as it all works out well.. and It looks great!!!


Well-Known Member
Well there's a BIG jump in the estimate...:lol:

When I started I really hoped for pound a plant...

Then I saw there was NO WAY I was getting that...

But they have filled in...

My hopes are getting up again...:eyesmoke:

We'll see....

Thanks for the vote of confidence though...:clap:

I hope you're right...:razz:


Well-Known Member
Well the way I figure it is each of those Indica bushes gives you between 3.5-5 oz per plant. And another 7-10oz from each Sativa.. I dunno the genetics.. but I have would say that those are fair guesses based on the size of each when going to flower... and those Sativas really filled out.. it was a good thing Blaze made you wait and veg a while, gonna pay off nicely I suspect.


Well-Known Member
What's the dimensions of your canopy? Looks to be at least 4 sq. meters... what was your yield per sq. meter with the SOG... I would think you could get a low-ball estimate that way, since you have veg time invested in these mommas!


Well-Known Member
What's the dimensions of your canopy? Looks to be at least 4 sq. meters...
The total area is 9'x6' = 54sqft


2.75m x 1.82m = 5.08sqm


Not ALL of that is evenly occupied...

The DESNSE/FILLED IN/NO GAPS part of the canopy is about...

7'x4' = 28sqft


2.1m x 1.2m = 2.52sqm

what was your yield per sq. meter with the SOG...
Never really thought about it in terms of area, always watts... but let's give it a try...:lol:

My trays are roughly..

3'x3' = 9sqft


0.91m x 0.91m = 0.82sqm

And my average was 600 grams per tray...


600g / 9sqft = 66.666667g per sqft


600g / 0.82sqm = 731.7g per sqm...


At those numbers...

the TOTAL CANOPY would be...

54sqft x 66.666667g/sqft = 3,600g


5.08sqm x 731.7g/sqm = 3,717g

The difference I discount to rounding up/down long numbers...

But we KNOW that is nowhere near what I will get...

The we look at the "inner canopy" which is actually a bit denser than my SOG, in tops per sqft...

28sqft x 66.666667g = 1,866.6667 g


2.52sqm x 731.7g = 1,843.884 g

But these numbers also do not take into account that each 3x3 SOG tray gets it's own 600...

Here we are covering WAY more that 3 trays with 2 lights way up high...


This confusing you yet...:lol:

I have smoked 3 bowls during this post...:eyesmoke:

I would think you could get a low-ball estimate that way, since you have veg time invested in these mommas!
I suppose a guy could do a bunch of math and attempt it.. but there are SOOOOOO many variables....:lol:

I am REALLY REALLY curious to see if a 6" branch will give me the same as a 6" clone...;-)

That will be good to know for sure...:lol:

OK.. WHO'S gonna RE-do my maths....:lol::lol:bongsmilie:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
18.75 z's for all 3 combined.

I sure hope I win the jar of M&M's, when this is all said and done...:joint:
Jesse says just over a pound from all together...:blsmoke:

If so Jesse this will be a severe step down from the SOG...

especially since I vegged for a month with HIDs...

gotta remember this is a "3 month plus" grow for me... unlike the "2 month sharp" of the SOG...

In all reality, you are probably right...

But I hope not...:cry: it would make me sad to get only 1/2 per light, especially since they are getting plenty of wash from the OTHER 2x 600s...

Holy Fuck...:lol:

I hope ... I hope... I hope...:razz:


Well-Known Member
Jesse says just over a pound from all together...:blsmoke:

If so Jesse this will be a severe step down from the SOG...

especially since I vegged for a month with HIDs...

gotta remember this is a "3 month plus" grow for me... unlike the "2 month sharp" of the SOG...

In all reality, you are probably right...

But I hope not...:cry: it would make me sad to get only 1/2 per light, especially since they are getting plenty of wash from the OTHER 2x 600s...

Holy Fuck...:lol:

I hope ... I hope... I hope...:razz:
I think you gotta chance to surpass that number.

You mentioned variables, how bout this one: the sheer volume of roots that can fit in 19 gallon pots of 'ton!

Its really SO hard to say...

BUT, with the intensity with which flower set in, you GOTTA be optimistic, cautiously at least!


Well-Known Member
I'm just so stoked...:lol: they look so pretty ...:weed:

and the pics DO NOT do them justice...

I can't even walk in the room without dodging branches anymore...

and pretty soon they will need to be tied up to the ceiling...:lol: hopefully:razz:


Well-Known Member
:lol: Are you saying you padded your numbers? :lol::razz:
No but they are flawed...

They assume same g/w as the sog...

Except that the SOG is a smaller area with more lights...

The one hope I have going is that the room bounces enough light around... remember there are 4 lights in that room... it's pretty bright in there, with all that reflective shit on the walls...:eyesmoke:

But the lights are also waaay higher above the plants....

I didn't pad them... but they're no good either...:roll:


Well-Known Member
Jesse says just over a pound from all together...:blsmoke:

If so Jesse this will be a severe step down from the SOG...

especially since I vegged for a month with HIDs...

gotta remember this is a "3 month plus" grow for me... unlike the "2 month sharp" of the SOG...

In all reality, you are probably right...

But I hope not...:cry: it would make me sad to get only 1/2 per light, especially since they are getting plenty of wash from the OTHER 2x 600s...

Holy Fuck...:lol:

I hope ... I hope... I hope...:razz:
But I think we knew that really...Right?

I mean to get the numbers you TRUELY want, you would need more lights/bushes I think...

Think how many trays you could trim, dry, and cure in the time it takes to do ONE rotation...

Who am I know...

I bet you can get a lb a month doin SOG with 3-600 watt lights....Zero veg...

And really, I have been meanin to point this out...whether its 4 plants or 400, if you are tryin to produce THAT quantity, either way, and run into trouble....IMO...not much difference in your state...

Maybe I am wrong...

Seems to me though, if someone wanted you to catch a case, they could demonstrate your "obvious com op" by the "sheer amount of production."

That's how the BS works man....

Then they can take your cars, etc, etc....

NOT tryin to make you think....I am just bein realistic.


Well-Known Member
But the lights are also waaay higher above the plants....
I think you could do it, you just might need more compensate for the distance you are required to keep them away...

Look at Dill, he got nearly 2lbs from 15 plants under 2k on his last grow.


Well-Known Member
But I think we knew that really...Right?

I mean to get the numbers you TRUELY want, you would need more lights/bushes I think...

Think how many trays you could trim, dry, and cure in the time it takes to do ONE rotation...

Who am I know...

I bet you can get a lb a month doin SOG with 3-600 watt lights....Zero veg...

And really, I have been meanin to point this out...whether its 4 plants or 400, if you are tryin to produce THAT quantity, either way, and run into trouble....IMO...not much difference in your state...

Maybe I am wrong...

Seems to me though, if someone wanted you to catch a case, they could demonstrate your "obvious com op" by the "sheer amount of production."

That's how the BS works man....

Then they can take your cars, etc, etc....

NOT tryin to make you think....I am just bein realistic.
ACTUALLY.. AK is very mellow...

And anything, regardless of size, under 25 plants and 5 lbs stored is covered under a "privacy" state law... and considered personal...

As for the SOG.. I was getting 2 lb a month from 4 lights...

And Also...

they do not have the right to confiscate property like some other states...

They call that something... but we don't have that law here... they ca't just take your car your house or any of your shit just cause you grow...