1st Bubbleponic Stealth grow


Well-Known Member
Female, she would have some sort of balls by now...give her another week and see if her white beauty hairs appear..Can't hurt anything in the grow room if there is something in there with it because this plant is not mature enough to do any damage....yet...my opinion


Well-Known Member
male flowers grow in clusters..females make white calyx or pistils..yours are green..What strain is this?


Active Member
male flowers grow in clusters..females make white calyx or pistils..yours are green..What strain is this?
Unknowm strain. This is the same plant that got some light burn at the bigging of my grow. It use to be the big one and its growth has been very slow into flowering. The left one is the one I thought would be the runt, but clearly not the case. She showed me her goods last week.

I could go either way on this one. Or more like 60-40 its a male. Whats the worst thing that can happen, I get seeds. Its worth waiting till I'm sure of sex before removing.


Well-Known Member
Unknowm strain. This is the same plant that got some light burn at the bigging of my grow. It use to be the big one and its growth has been very slow into flowering. The left one is the one I thought would be the runt, but clearly not the case. She showed me her goods last week.

I could go either way on this one. Or more like 60-40 its a male. Whats the worst thing that can happen, I get seeds. Its worth waiting till I'm sure of sex before removing.
Absolutely wait ;until you can clearly see signs of male flowers and then chop chop

Ray Fox

Well-Known Member
Whassup brother, how's the grow yo? :weed: So far it all looks good. A couple weeks and things are going to look like a bud festival is going on! We'll be here paranoid! And thanks for the rep! Here's some too!


Active Member
Been a while since my last update. The girls are growing very well drinking about a gal of water a day now. The mystery plant is a female just a late bloomer but getting up to speed quickly. The left one is growing some sick buds and plenty of them. it has 7 main colas and has reach 28" in height. The right one also has 7 colas and is about 19" in height. The smell isnt that bad yet but I would imagine it will get worse as time goes on.

The only problem I have so far is Im running out od head space!!! I think the right one is done with getting taller for now since it seems it hasnt grown taller in 5 days, just budding up.

Anyway here are some pixs!!



Well-Known Member
paranoid, they're gonna keep shooting up, so if you're running out of head room, you need to start coming up with a contingency plan. are you able to increase the head area at all? or move to a different area with more height?


Active Member
NS28, I suppose I could alter the box a bit. would have to move fan to top back of cabinet. Then cut the top open and place the lights on top of that unit. That would give me another say good foot left in hight pluseanother 2" into the light source. I like it in the cabinet it will help keep down the smell. plus it has its own basement room to keep the smell contained.


Active Member
Even better I can just cut the bottom off and raise it up by a foot, or the height on the container. probably easier this way.

NS, I got my package from GS yesterday. Now I mind you just wanted a "mini"bong for 12.00 Wow its a mini bong for sure. That it was going to be an issue since it looked more like a souvenir then anything. Today I gave it a spin around the block and let me tell you, this thing was great! dont use much and the water sweetens the hit. ben a long time since I hit a bong.

What can I expect to see over the next weeks with these plants. When do the crystals to to form? Are there different phases of flowering I should be seeing? Like when do they start to get stinky? Just curious I guess about how much time if left on flowering. i have at least another 50-60 days left to flower.


Active Member
paranoid, they're gonna keep shooting up, so if you're running out of head room, you need to start coming up with a contingency plan. are you able to increase the head area at all? or move to a different area with more height?
Well NS you were right on my friend. It's been only 4 days since I tried to come up with the easiest way of giving my plants more room.

I have made up my mind to just lose the cabinet and focus in on sealing up around the door to the storage room. That way no odor gets out.
Ill take some pixs later. lot of work to do today to clean out that room and reorganize it.