Tiny Plant Flowering?Normal?

Yes, outdoor grow. it has been outside since early May. It was bitten off by some animal at the top and it just kept growing. so now its my little soldier. and i dont believe it to be a high grade type of marijuana, cause i got seeds from my personal smoke sacks.


Well-Known Member
the dirt she's in may be a bit bad for her. She should be pretty huge considering she's been under the sun for almost 4months. Try getting some flowering nutes in her dirt since the vegg cycle for outdoors is almost over. SUPERTHRIVE! Look into it. It can boost her immune system & she mite be able to bounce back & give you dank stuff
there's no bug problems, this is what i did. I buried it in the ground with some regular potting soil, and just left it i didnt think it would survive. so you think the roots arent getting enough room to grow so thats why its so small?


Well-Known Member
No it's in the ground her roots have plenty of room to spread. So you never watered her? I need more info this plant looks like her growth has been badly stunted. Due to no nutes. Bugs. Bad dirt. No water. She seems really stressed
It was bitten in half!!!!!!!!!! ok. there is a dead stem sticking up the middle where the new growth should be. I have been taking better care of it lately( giving it some tomato fertlizer once a couple weeks ago. but i'm gonna get some stuff for flowering some lower than 18-18-15 i think thats what it was.


Well-Known Member
best advice I can give you is take a healthy green cutting & clone it. I had an outdoor plant that was trampled by my dogs & I took a cutting & started over this plant is too stressed out to enter the flowering stage. You mght get seeds or you might not get any good yields. Maybe next year
best advice I can give you is take a healthy green cutting & clone it. I had an outdoor plant that was trampled by my dogs & I took a cutting & started over this plant is too stressed out to enter the flowering stage. You mght get seeds or you might not get any good yields. Maybe next year
i dont even know how to clone or how i'm supposed to cut it. do you think i could at least pull a quarter off it or half of one?


Well-Known Member
i dont even know how to clone or how i'm supposed to cut it. do you think i could at least pull a quarter off it or half of one?
Quarter pound? No.

Leave it be. Checkfor bugs. Get some superthrive. Try putting a shading over it. & minimize the among of stress she's getting. Dnt let anything bite it anymore! Water it 2-3times a week & check your soil for any hard clumps or worms. She's not dead & I didn't mean to be so pessimistic but she's gonna need a ton of TIME to heal & bring herself back.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
Quarter pound? No.

Leave it be. Checkfor bugs. Get some superthrive. Try putting a shading over it. & minimize the among of stress she's getting. Dnt let anything bite it anymore! Water it 2-3times a week & check your soil for any hard clumps or worms. She's not dead & I didn't mean to be so pessimistic but she's gonna need a ton of TIME to heal & bring herself back.
superthrive is for veg


Active Member
If you live in America every plant should be flowering but maybe if you have some bright full moons then im not sure.


Well-Known Member
She mite not succesfully flower. Even if she did it's hard to tell how much she will yield. You got to stay on her & bring her back man. I keep my mother plants outside & they go thru tons of stress outside I dnt expect them to flower this season due to all the stress.