What have you done to cover up the fact that your high?

Ok heres a topic
What have you done to cover up the fact that your high?
It can be serious or something funny that you did. Doesn't matter which.

Ill start.....
Ok back when i was 16 or so me and some buddys had been smoking all day and around 7:00-7:30 PM we got a call from one of my friends parents and we needed to get a ride to another friends place in the country so naturally were like "Dude lets ask your mom for a ride!" and of course hes like "Yea we wont have to walk!"
so about 5 min later when our ride was almost here we thought.
"We gotta cover ourselves to make sure we dont look high" so we grabbed 1can of spray deo and we all put on jeans and hoodies.....in mid summer...we grabbed whatever hats we could find and pulled them as far over our eyes as we could. then when our ride showed up we proceeded to talk about how sleepy we all were and how cold it was out......and when we sobered up and saw ourselves we said "How the hell?....Why the hell didnt we get caught?"
needless to say we looked exactly the opposite of how we thought we did.
As a bonus his mom asked why my house smelled funny. :P

there ya have it.
ya think you can do better?


Well-Known Member
I put in clear eyes/rhotos and sprayed cologne/febreze...maybe changed my shirt. Also walking around outside helps get rid of the smell. Never really went all out though cause I really don't give a fuck if I smell blunted yea I smoke weed.


Well-Known Member
It's called clear eyes and i take care of the rest even though i got a big smile on me...


Well-Known Member
moms walks in the room and starts talking, when all of a sudden shes being serious cause i can see it in her face, but im totally gone and i start smiling and she asked me "what the fuck is so funny". i sai"i remember something funny that happened to me today". she immediately walks outof my room. good times..at first i would try to hide the fact that i was high but then i started to not gibe a fuck. thats when i realize that stoners dont give a fuck and thats why we get that reputation.


When I was around 14 my friend and I were at in his shed smoking weed out of our homemade gravity bong for the afternoon. We lost track of time and heard his mom's car door shut in the driveway. We ran back into the house and his mom was standing there waiting for us. My friend was smart and ran into the bathroom saying he really had to go, which left me alone with his mom in the kitchen. I had to have looked stoned out of my mind and smelled horrible, but I had to just stand there and hope she didnt notice. I started to lose it and began laughing uncontrolably and told her that the tile in there kitchen tickled my feet. I had to play that one off for three months...


Active Member
Hmmmmm.... I wash my hands and face put spray in my hair also take jacket off or put it on... Always carry axe or sumthin in ur car .... Plus tic-tacs or gum work


Active Member
Wow ...Once back when I was in high school(ages ago) I went to my drama class hella high and was on stage an I stood there trying to find where everyone was ... We were doing a scene where I ( a bitch maid) had to hold a pillow over the guys face trying to suffocate him.... Well my class thought it was funny so they kept suggesting like maybe u should throw it at him... No more of hold it then hit him with it.... It was soooi funny and I was hella high smacking him in the head with a pillow.... Ah the good ol' days......but in school I hid the highness with hand sanitizer glasses and being around the other pot heads saying the smell must have drifted ofthem onto me.... Lol


Well-Known Member

I blame red eyes on my allergies too sometimes....
I really do have bad allergies though....I have to take a claritin a day
to keep it at ease.

I usually just use Visine, take a walk outside, and use body spray. the only
real give away is me laughing and smiling. :eyesmoke:

I usually am just mellow....

but when I come from being outside for 15 minutes, and I'm
all giggly my family knows whats up. lol.

they all know anyhow....


Well-Known Member
My rule is always be high...Esspecially if its something like a job interview or meeting someone for the first time. Then they are always used to it...So get up everyday first thing and smoke a session of bong tokes and call it good. When your not high people will think something is wrong.