drug test tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
sorry, i picked newbiw central to put this because i am new and i can't find anywhere else to put this thread. i have a drug test for probation tomorrow and i took a home test on sunday where i didnt have to pee and barley filled up the ketchup sized cup they gave me and the test game back positive (i think but if you looked REALLY hard you could see a second line [ like really really hard]) and i just took one like an hour ago and it was definitley negative but i drank a bunch of water. i dont have fake urine or anything like that and i dont have B2 vitamins and i havent smoked in sonce july 11th. i was just wondering if you guys think im safe and what i should do in order to make sure i pass this test!


if you havent smoke since july 18 forreal ur all good

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
nah dont do fake urine
drink a gallon of cranberry juice
piss about 3 times
on ur 4th time you should be clean

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
wait july 11th
yer waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
cant belive u went that long
i cant go 3hours..!lol


MAKE SURE that when u give your sample it's from the middle of your pee. Make sense? Pee in the toilet so
e first then pee in the cup. Start and end of your pee is dirtiest. MAKE SURE!!!


Well-Known Member
let us know the outcome. internet researching says if you smoke regularly semi-daily or more then you need a couple months. I understand exercising regularly and having a fairly low fat level helps move the toxins out of the system faster. Anyway, update us when the tests come back.....


dont give them the first piss of the day just incase you still got a little thc in your pee but i think it should be gone youa skinny dude?


Drink as much water as you can, but make sure to keep your electrolytes in homeostasis. To do that drink lots of poweraide or gateraide, maybe even vitamin water. But you should be fine if you give yourself three, four days of drinking lots of water. But man I would suggest not smoking until you are done with your probation.


dont give them the first piss of the day just incase you still got a little thc in your pee but i think it should be gone youa skinny dude?
Good point, wake up early, drink lots of tea and coffee so you pee a lot before the test. But make sure that you drink tons of water while you are doing this because you absolutely do not want to be dehydrated. Make sure that your piss is clear like water. Preferably you would want to have gone pee about four or five times but be absolutely hydrated. This would be painful because all the water you would have to drink. Cold water is absorbed faster than warm or hot water. Also make sure you drink a something with electrolytes after many glasses of water. Water can kill you that way, by making your electrolytes get so low that you die. But That would be like drinking twenty bottles of water in two hours or something, but you could drink a hundred bottles of water if you had the right electrolytes, put a tea spoon of salt or less in the water maybe.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
drink lots of water right be for the test, at my job they give ramdoms all the time but they also give you 3 hour to give a sample and while you wait they restrict the amount of fluids that you can drink. when i asked about why the guy who has been giving the test for over 20 years said that if you drink more than 40 oz it throws the test so they only alow you to drink no more then 24-32 oz, and he watches you while you drink while your at the water fountain


Active Member
you should have no problem. pee a few times before. cranberry juice, if it has been near a month your golden.


Well-Known Member
ah, i get tested between 1-430. im kinda sketched but i think i will be good. my only worry is that if my pee is too clear that theyll make me test again and the second time it wont be diluted enough. anyone every been rested for clear pee? also how much water should i drink to avoid clear pee?


Well-Known Member
ah, i get tested between 1-430. im kinda sketched but i think i will be good. my only worry is that if my pee is too clear that theyll make me test again and the second time it wont be diluted enough. anyone every been rested for clear pee? also how much water should i drink to avoid clear pee?
Just make sure you are good and hydrated. Don't go overboard with the water or cranberry juice. If your piss is too dilluted they will make you test again. You should be good if it's been over a month. Just relax!!! You'll do fine.


Well-Known Member
alright so ive been drinking a mug of water every hour or so. is that good enough, too much or too little?


Well-Known Member
no, i also heard multivitamins give it away that your diluting because it comes out too flourecent. i do have b complex vitamins though


Well-Known Member
no, i also heard multivitamins give it away that your diluting because it comes out too flourecent. i do have b complex vitamins though
No that's B.S. I know tons of people who take vitamins that don't smoke. I know tons of people who take vitamins that do smoke. B complex will make your piss more yellow but if you are dilluting with water it should look relatively normal.


Well-Known Member
cool thanks alot you all have been pretty helpful and makin me not freak out so much. ill post back after the test. wish me luck!


haha idk ive done a bunch of drug test but i drunk water and exercised alot then the day of i took a detox drink and im working right now lol...i had smoked that same month