How 2 Lower PH in Soil..


New Member
i have a ph in my soil of around 7..

i need to know how to get it lowered so i dont hafta worry bout it anymore..

ive posted b4 n no one gave me the right answer i was lookin for..

so hear we go again to see what happens..

thanks for adive..:weed:


New Member
i have a ph in my soil of around 7..

i need to know how to get it lowered so i dont hafta worry bout it anymore..

ive posted b4 n no one gave me the right answer i was lookin for..

so hear we go again to see what happens..

thanks for adive..:weed:
causes of ph fluctuations and pH facts.

When growing in soil any fertilizer you use can cause an excess build up of salts when it decomposes in the soil. This almost always results in a more acidic soil which stunts the plant's growth and causes brown foliage. When using a Hydroponics set-up the nutrient solution can very easily cause a fluctuation in the growing reservoir. Other common reasons as to why soil may become too acidic when doing outdoor grows are rainfall, leaching, organic matter decay and a previous harvest of a high yeild crop in the same soil. In dry climates, such as the desert Southwest US, Spain, Australia, etc., irrigation water is often alkaline with a pH above 7. The water in rainy climates, such as the Pacific Northwest of North America, the UK, Netherlands and Northern Europe, is often acidic with a pH below 6. Lightly sandy soils with little clay and organic matter are quicker too become more acidic. Another common mistake is that a grower will mix his soil unevenly, leading to "hot spots" in the growing medium, so mix all ratios as well as you can.

How do I raise/lower my pH?

A great way to regulate the pH of your soil is to use Dolomite Lime(calcium-magnesium carbonate). While growing Cannabis plants in containers, mix one cup of fine dolomite lime for each cubic foot of soil, then lightly water it. After watering, mix it once more and wait a day or two before checking the pH. While growing in an outdoor garden, follow the dolomite lime manufacturers instructions. Dolomite Lime works well because it has a neutral pH rating of 7.0 and tends to keep the soil a constant pH throughout the entire life cycle of the plant. This is a highly recommended method of regulating your soil pH.
If you find the pH of your soil or Hydroponic reservoir to be too acidic or basic you could add either pH up or pH down. These are chemicals sold at places like Home Depot or any Gardening store. They usually come in one liter bottles and are to be diluted in the water used to water the soil growing plants or the Hydroponic reservoir according to directions on the packaging.
Some examples of Home remedies to raise/lower pH are as follows:
1.Lemon juice. 1/4 tbsp can bring a gallon of tap-water from 7.4 to 6.3.
2.Phosphoric acid. lowers pH and provides Phosphor too!
3.Nitric acid. lowers pH.
4.Hydrochloric acid. strongest way to lower pH
5.Hydrated lime. flush soil with a teaspoon per gallon of water to raise pH.
6.Baking Soda. eats acids to raise pH.
7.Calcium carbonate. raises pH (very strong)
8.Potassium silicate. raises pH.
What are signs of a PH fluctuation in my Cannabis plant?
A Cannabis plant can show signs of a pH flux in several ways. The leaves may begin to turn yellow or brown, dry up and/or shrivel on the sides into a straw like shape. Keep in mind however that other deficiencies and disorders may show the same signs of damage, so don't jump to conclusions until you do some testing and adjusting to your plants and their growing medium.
Some things to remember(I didn't write these ones)
1.Always test the pH of raw water and drainage water with a pH meter.
2.Raw water pH above 6.0 helps keep fertilizer mixes from becoming too acidic.
3.The pH level is much more important in organic soil gardens than in chemical
hydroponic gardens. The pH dictates the environment of bacteria necessary to the
uptake of organic nutrients.



New Member
yo ludacris what ya doing up ? i came on for an intended 1 or 2 hours at midnight lol its now 6am where does the time go, sorry NWSMOKER for coming off your subject, hope you now have all the info you need anyway.


Well-Known Member
get some Ph Down and add it into your nutes before you water and test prior to water and water ph water to 6.8 ...... range for soil is 6.5 to 7


Global Moderator
Staff member
get some Ph Down and add it into your nutes before you water and test prior to water and water ph water to 6.8 ...... range for soil is 6.5 to 7
This is what I do & it works very well.
Check your run off PH as well.


get some Ph Down and add it into your nutes before you water and test prior to water and water ph water to 6.8 ...... range for soil is 6.5 to 7
My pH of my water is at 7.2! (N) Does anyone know if vinegar will lower the pH, how much vinegar and by how much the pH is lowered?


Active Member
"Here are some ph buffers when your ph is too high: Use these SOIL PH Adjustments to lower your ph: sawdust, composted leaves, wood chips, cottonseed meal, leaf mold and peat moss. Sawdust, composted leaves, woodchips and, lemon juice, PH DOWN.

Hydro PH Adjustments: PH Down (vinegar and lemon juices are good for soil, but not recommended for hydro use) Phosphoric acid during flowering and Nitric acid for vegtative growth.Thanks goes out to syko2 for that one! (Only quality PH buffers should be used to adjust ph and be sure the buffer and nutrient work's well together.)

Here are some that will raise the ph: use these SOIL Adjustments when your ph is to low: PH UP, dolomite lime, hardwood ash, bone meal, crushed marble, or crushed oyster shells, potassium hydroxide <--- Thank you Uncle Ben!

Hydro Adjustments: PH UP,lime,potassium hydroxide and potassium sillicate .(Only quality PH buffers should be used to adjust ph and be sure the buffer and nutrient work's well together.)"


Well-Known Member
Hey - if my PH in soil is sitting at 5.5 can I just start watering with 7.0 PH water? How long to adjust the root zone to about 6.5?

Father Ramirez

Well-Known Member
Muriatic acid, available at hardware stores, is an incredibly effective pH reducer, requiring only a few drops per gallon of water. I use a 2oz dropper bottle to dispense.

As mentioned above, cannabis is pH tolerant, and I disregarded its importance for years, and was happy with the yields. But uptake of some essential nutrients occurs only when pH is ideal, so why not help it along?