Qpon's Pot of Gold AeroGarden Grow - Flowering Stage


Well-Known Member
Your shit looks bomb man! Won't be to long now! My first plant is at about 5 weeks flowering right now, how long you got left?


Active Member
Thanks man, Its about on the 5th week. I got some more pictures, the nugs have seriously exploded with trychomes and all are getting so big and dense. I cant for week 8, they're gonna be ridiculous!

Here are pics I just took.

My soil plant that I was talking about thats in the room is shwaggy bud so I didn't put much time and effort into it since its in a super big gulp and in really bad soil. I've been feeding it nutrients and watering it but for some reason the leaves are wilting and growing super slow and are all disfigured, I'll post a few pics to give a good idea. If anyone knows what the direct problem that causes this please let me know.
hey man very very nice budage. i love pot of gold it has such a happy high i used to get it from a shitty little high school dealer who FOR ONCE had a dec hookup lol anyways this is one of the strains on my list of things to grow outside next season. keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
hey man...definatly interested on how you finish out...keep us posted, for I'm doing my first indoor aerogarden grow with 3 Swiss Cheese clones from their mother growing outside.



Active Member
hey man...definatly interested on how you finish out...keep us posted, for I'm doing my first indoor aerogarden grow with 3 Swiss Cheese clones from their mother growing outside.
Hey man, your plants look like they're doing pretty well hopefully the clones work out.

on another note, my plant is starting to show signs of damage and I'm not sure if its nutrient burn, heat damage or what. Hopefully its not root rot. I thought it was nutrient damage and gave it like 6 days off of nutrients. Then gave it back a half teaspoon instead of a regular full teaspoon every 3 days.

damage has still been occurring with random brown spots and browning tips. Should I stop nutrients for longer and hope its just that? Its never been this hot as this past couple weeks in california and the grow room has been like an oven so I'm not sure if thats causing this, but I've upped the fan speed to medium and got opened my closet doors to let more air flow.

Lastly since its warmer and light may have gotten into the rez I'm worried it might be root rot, but i have no idea what root rot looks like so if you see any signs in the pictures please let me know.



Active Member
Well the damage has stopped and the plant is going back on its usual nutrient cycle. But now I'm seeing spider mites, anyone know how to get rid of them before they become a real problem?

Theres still some burned spots on the leaves and I'm uncertain wether or not its important to cut all the burns off.. anyone know?

Sorry for all the questions guys.. again lol

unfortunately the whole nutrient ordeal stunted the plants growth a bit and the nugs all look pretty much the same as the last time I posted pics, so I'm not bothering with new ones. I'll post some in 3 days.


Well-Known Member
What's up man?

Glad you got the nutrient problem figured out. I had the same problem a week ago.

As for the leaves, don't cut them off unless they have 50% damage or more. The plant will still use the leaf until then.

Good luck, keep it up!



Active Member
Alright well I cut some fan leaves off but not all of them. The spider mites have been getting at the bottom of my plant a little bit. I'm trying to keep them at bay It seems like I'm going to need to get ladybugs after all... If they dont work I'll need to cut my plant from 8 week to 10 week, pot of gold is 8-10 week flowering anyway. and since the nutrient burn the buds haven't been growing very much.

Feeding them another teaspoon tonight so hopefully that helps out with the growth. i moved a 68w light from above the plant to the bottom the give the lower nugs light and those have already gotten a little bigger but the other nugs seem like they're content at the size they are. But I do see some new hairs shooting out the sides and the top.


Active Member
Here is a plethora of pictures my stoner friends :] shes going to be harvested in a week I'm starting the flush process..

Any tips on flushing ?



i just started my plant not to long ago jsut had a ? about something on the tips and some of the spots where the female nodes are i have like seed pods does this mean my plant is starting to bud???


well i havent seen any like lil cotton balls or flowers but i do have the lil white nodes but yea they look like a buch of lil seeds i could take some pics and post em


Well-Known Member
well i havent seen any like lil cotton balls or flowers but i do have the lil white nodes but yea they look like a buch of lil seeds i could take some pics and post em
No, if it looks like that, then you definitely have a male. But, go ahead and post some pics so we can really see what's going on.


Active Member
pics are posted im my album
Thats definitely a male.

Anyway guys my plant is finished and has been drying for 5 days. I'm going to jar them pretty soon.

I'm glad my first grow was shared with this great community you guys are very knowledgeable and without you I would never have gotten this grow done so well.. So thank you all :]



Well-Known Member
Thats definitely a male.

Anyway guys my plant is finished and has been drying for 5 days. I'm going to jar them pretty soon.

I'm glad my first grow was shared with this great community you guys are very knowledgeable and without you I would never have gotten this grow done so well.. So thank you all :]
Looks good man, great job!