There Is No Devil.



look i dont know where god is but geez man you really dont have a clue what the bible teaches do you:?:
i am not gona speak for a christian but that would be an easy answer.. one of the dumbest post i seen yet :-P

Sill can't answer it.


Thought so.


Well-Known Member
:wall: wow, dude you said "If a buddhist ever asks how the world began he would be told to ask a scientist, plain and simple"

guess its not so plain and simple BECAUSE
some scientist believe in creation.
MEANING what good would it do to ask a scientist ok? got it? good atheist:clap:
I guess you dont understand what I mean. When I say a scientist, I am speaking of a scientific answer. When I ask a scientist something like that, why would I care what his personal beliefs are? Science is science. Why would a scientist who is a mormon give me a different answer than somone who is muslim?

Cap K

Well-Known Member
Cap K, that's just another one of those tactics they came up with to keep people from looking outside the box.

With that statement, it's completely lose lose, and either way you go, just like all the shell game tactics, it doesn't matter.

Also, if the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist, he must have taken that out of God's playbook!
Sorry I've been out of the conversation for a bit , but this is what I really want to say. Neither God nor the devil are tangible, visible beings to most of us. But I think an easy way of proving their existence is to look at the world and what takes place.

Let's take a little hypothetical stroll and we'll say that they do exist, God and the devil right? Now we know there are a set of standards that god would like us to live by, although he has given us the free will to do as we please. Know that there are consequences for breaking his commandments. Of course the devil is the opposite of this. He adheres to no commandments and furthermore influences humans not to. This is how he offends god. By turning the lords chidren against him. By encouraging a do what thou wilt mantra.

That was all hypothetical right? Let's look at homosexuality and how any public opposition to it is met with swift media coverage. Let me ask ya'll something let's say the devil exists hunh? What better way to offend God than to have legislation passed that recognizes the union of two men or two women. What better way to offend God then to have clergymen under the law preside over the proceedings of the immoral union?

I submit we have only, but to look closely at the world we live in and we can quickly find the devil.


Active Member
I guess you dont understand what I mean. When I say a scientist, I am speaking of a scientific answer. When I ask a scientist something like that, why would I care what his personal beliefs are? Science is science. Why would a scientist who is a mormon give me a different answer than somone who is muslim?
If i may?

"Today scientists generally believe the universe was created in a violent explosion called the Big Bang." Susan Terebey, Department of Physics and Astronomy, California State University Los Angeles ""

There is not a scientific answer they are only guessing. there is no way to prove how old the earth is, dating methods are flawed. if you ask a scientist about the beginning they will tell you what they believe happen.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
If i may?

"Today scientists generally believe the universe was created in a violent explosion called the Big Bang." Susan Terebey, Department of Physics and Astronomy, California State University Los Angeles ""

There is not a scientific answer they are only guessing. there is no way to prove how old the earth is, dating methods are flawed. if you ask a scientist about the beginning they will tell you what they believe happen.
so what though? at least they're out there trying to find an answer, instead of just going back to the same old book, making the same old TOTAL FAIL ARGUMENT! and then trying to tell us that we're the wrong ones, as the scientists are ust working on theory.

he's right, in that science is science, doesn't matter if you're a christian or a muslim. just because you're a devout believer pf the bible, if you're a scientist, and you put this beliefe into your work and such, then it's nothing but flawed, unreliable work. science is science.


CapK, an omnipotent being is immune to being offended.

If i may?

"Today scientists generally believe the universe was created in a violent explosion called the Big Bang." Susan Terebey, Department of Physics and Astronomy, California State University Los Angeles ""

There is not a scientific answer they are only guessing. there is no way to prove how old the earth is, dating methods are flawed. if you ask a scientist about the beginning they will tell you what they believe happen.

You sir, have no idea what your talking about. Every single dating method we have that's used is accurate to a few million years, and thats just the dating methods dealing with the dead stuff.... I'll get back to this later, gotta go to work...


Well-Known Member
If i may?

"Today scientists generally believe the universe was created in a violent explosion called the Big Bang." Susan Terebey, Department of Physics and Astronomy, California State University Los Angeles ""

There is not a scientific answer they are only guessing. there is no way to prove how old the earth is, dating methods are flawed. if you ask a scientist about the beginning they will tell you what they believe happen.
Again illustrating the point that the question in itself is ignorance and having that knowledge will not make you enlightened. Theres so many educated idiots in the world. Its funny that you try to reinforce the idea that scientists are the confused ones and the only real knowledge comes from a mans own personal beliefs.


Active Member
You sir, have no idea what your talking about. Every single dating method we have that's used is accurate to a few million years, and thats just the dating methods dealing with the dead stuff.... I'll get back to this later, gotta go to work...
The freaking half life of Carbon 14 is 6000 years.

Also, we don't KNOW what the cosmic ray flux was thousands of years ago. We don't KNOW the nitrogen content of our atmosphere that long ago either.
And that is just the beginning of all the flaws of radiocarbon dating.

I hope you clarify things when you get back from work.

Accurate to a few million years???
Are you really high right now??
Error bars of a few million years are not good: "yeah, we dated this as being 1 million years old +- 3 million years."


Active Member
Its funny that you try to reinforce the idea that scientists are the confused ones .
They know they are wrong ""First, for carbon-14 dating to be accurate, one must assume the rate of decay of carbon-14 has remained constant over the years. However, evidence indicates that the opposite is true. Experiments have been performed using the radioactive isotopes of uranium-238 and iron-57, and have shown that rates can and do vary. In fact, changing the environments surrounding the samples can alter decay rates.""

science is science right?


Active Member
They know they are wrong ""First, for carbon-14 dating to be accurate, one must assume the rate of decay of carbon-14 has remained constant over the years. However, evidence indicates that the opposite is true. Experiments have been performed using the radioactive isotopes of uranium-238 and iron-57, and have shown that rates can and do vary. In fact, changing the environments surrounding the samples can alter decay rates.""

science is science right?
Most scientists aren't scientists. They are priests of a religion.
A true scientist doesn't rule out conclusions that are uncomfortable or verboten.


Well-Known Member
Like I said earlier, your argument for an almighty god shouldnt be taken up with a mere scientist but with real enlightened people. People who have devoted entire lifetimes to meditation, contemplation and cultivating wisdom and compassion. For instance, somone who is good at meditation can shut down all brain waves and be in full samadhi while being completely awake. Shit christians cant even concieve of. In fact they would say its of the devil, which to me is blasphemy. Christianity is retarding the spiritual progress of man. Actually any aberhamic religion is. Looking into the mirror and seeing yourself and living by the truth. Thats what I get out of all this nonsence. If you truly look at yourself and empty out everything you know to be true and all the stuff that was told to you that you believe in, theres no way you could hold on to christianity. Unless you truly cant be honest with yourself.


Active Member
your an idiot LOL maybe you dont know any christians

this statement "If you truly look at yourself and empty out everything you know to be true and all the stuff that was told to you that you believe in, theres no way you could hold on to christianity." can be said about anything.
I am not so sure christians are right but one this is for sure, your an idiot.

can i get an amen :)


Active Member
your an idiot LOL maybe you dont know any christians

this statement "If you truly look at yourself and empty out everything you know to be true and all the stuff that was told to you that you believe in, theres no way you could hold on to christianity." can be said about anything.
I am not so sure christians are right but one this is for sure, your an idiot.

can i get an amen :)
I am sure he knows christians or at least claim to be a christian. I think you mean a real bible reading christian one who well actually reads and studies the bible, one who lives by the word of God, one who lives for God. Now those are getting kinda rare. The christians you mostly know today just listen to what some preachers has to say and well they are not allways right.


Active Member
If you truly look at yourself and empty out everything you know to be true and all the stuff that was told to you that you believe in, theres no way you could hold on to christianity. Unless you truly cant be honest with yourself.
erm you said if i empty everything i know to be true there is no way i could hold on to christianity. :wink: