

I'm a first time grower *which is apparent, considering that I'm posting this in the Newbie Central section* But nonetheless, I need as much advice as I can get regarding: How to keep my plant short. Keeping it in a small container or a small pot. How to give my illegal substance light, WITHOUT having a huge lighting system.
Watering is clearly not a problem.
I'm good on soil, and I'm good with nutrients.
Although, having a few extra tips on that subject doesn't hurt.
Thank you
How to keep my plant short.
Low stress training (LST) and keep the lights close.
Keeping it in a small container or a small pot.
Plants should be kept in suitably sized containers unless you want them root-bound (you don't).
How to give my illegal substance light, WITHOUT having a huge lighting system.
CFLs are your friend. Check my abandoned journal for a setup I improvised that's proven quite stealthy.


Low stress training (LST) and keep the lights close.

Plants should be kept in suitably sized containers unless you want them root-bound (you don't).

CFLs are your friend. Check my abandoned journal for a setup I improvised that's proven quite stealthy.
Wonderful. How do I see it?