Harvest time!! blue cheese harvest pics


Well-Known Member
hey guys this is the fruits of my labor after 3 and a half months
i dont know the weight i will weigh them when they are dry
there are 53 buds hanging their on 6 or 7 strings
so how much do you think the weight will be when dry



Well-Known Member
thanks man , good luck on your grow
also when my buds are dry, if it is ok with everyone
i would like to put a bud bikini on my smokin hot fiancee and posting a pic of her with it on, of course i wont be showing her face but the rest of her body makes up for it
so let me know guys , peace

Mr. Limpet

Well-Known Member
those look badass! i just grew one that i had bought a single seed of and it was tall and stretchy. But the bud came out good. real strong artificial blueberry smell


Well-Known Member
hey thanks for all the comments guys
it took me and my buddy a total of about 6 hours to get them all manicured and hung , so it was a pain in the ass but it was all worth it


Well-Known Member
hey guys just a quick question
is it absolutely necessary to cut off every single leaf when manicuring because i dont think i got every single one
im sure there are a couple tiny leaves, should i remanicure them


Active Member
hey guys just a quick question
is it absolutely necessary to cut off every single leaf when manicuring because i dont think i got every single one
im sure there are a couple tiny leaves, should i remanicure them
So what was the final weight? Smoke report? Thanks