Tahoe's TGA+HPS+UVB+CO2 = LaMonstroGooey


Well-Known Member
oh sorry....i meant that the "least" developed look reasonably good so the rest of the plant (which I have also been monitoring) is more ripened than the "least" .... or is my thinking backwards? :weed:
That sample was taken from the bottom of the plant tho right??? That might be throwing off your real harvest date if you are judging by the less developed parts... maybe you should take the mature buds off and let the light get down to those under developed buds... Just a thought, how is that main cola looking?


Well-Known Member
oh sorry....i meant that the "least" developed look reasonably good so the rest of the plant (which I have also been monitoring) is more ripened than the "least" .... or is my thinking backwards? :weed:
I think that your thoughts are right on track... I just mentioned that cuz I thought that might be the reason why fdd said another two weeks. Based on the under-developed bud....

*That was a lot of thinking going on*

The rest of the plant looks ready to chop chop...but I am still very much a newb at this entire thing..so don't take my word 4 it


Well-Known Member
:hump:with fdd's wife's decision AND his corroboration ;-) ... the day has come. I also feel, what is the point? It is a well matured yield of reasonable proportions .... So tonight I will chop :clap: .... ok take the final photos, and then chop and then trim and then hang in the dark with massive air circulation to hopefully avoid moisture problems. She has not has a drink in like three days now .... her soil is dry. her leaves that were green as quickly going yellow. The time is right. I'll give a wet weight too. Yes, I am very excited. :grin:


Well-Known Member
hey there man ... how's ya doin? thanks for the visit. muchly appreciated! yes, and having finding a wife and good enuf to eat in the same sentence might just be taken out of context huh? :o
I gotta find me a wife like yours fdd....

looking good enough to eat Tahoe!!:clap:
oic ... I was thikning the he was just being who he is and was pulling a fast one ... hahahaha! Walk on!!~~~ :weed:
I think that your thoughts are right on track... I just mentioned that cuz I thought that might be the reason why fdd said another two weeks. Based on the under-developed bud....

*That was a lot of thinking going on*

The rest of the plant looks ready to chop chop...but I am still very much a newb at this entire thing..so don't take my word 4 it

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hahahaha I know! after I posted it and looked at the screen, I couldn't help but smirk;)
nasty thoughts you have there Tahoe!!
I might have to hand my grow over to the other green thumb:( for the time being anyways....but it is surely not abandoned, I will be back to harvest the hijacks and the plant in the ground....I gotta go where the vibes are positive and where there is jobs.....so I gotta island hop:( but maybe it's better that way, I can overgrow the state instead of just overgrowing Kauai...;) but the sad thing is I got close to my plants... but like I said, the other green thumb will take over for now...

OperationOvergrow808 starts now......

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I couldn't resist and quick dried some bottom buds of the hijack;) I figured might as well cause if I don't get to sample it, the catterpillars and slugs will!! LOL ! so I microwaved a few buds. I'm baked right now:eyesmoke:

funny thing is I made sure there was no males around when I planted for the long season but I found a few seeds in my hijack, also a few seeds in the huge plant in the ground......I trully believe there is other plants in the area....males!!! and they are not mine! oh well, I will have some mystery beans on hand this season... it seems as if the preflowers of all my plants was pollinated. that's a good thing, I guess.strange though.......

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
yeah, I took one last look around for any males...none around. luckily only 1 hijack and the plant in the ground is in flower. the other plants are still vegging...

lets see more pics Tahoe!! where's that fat cola everyones talking about!! :hump:


Well-Known Member
The top 44 lady has gasped her last breath, and willed her spirit and soul to the next weeks and months of lifted bliss.:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:

I took pictures of the plant, its branches and the main cola, before chopping and after, and then again after rimming. There was 524 grams wet (with as much of the stems cut away as practical). The top section of the main cola was 100g. They have been hung in my vege chamber (fan and dark) .... I will leave them in there of their initial drying.

All in all, a pretty decent haul for a single plant in a small cabinet. I have been able to rearrange the DQ and MM ..... they are both flowering well. I cleaned up the dead leaves and gave them a blast of nutes and water and molasses. They will now spend the next? weeks, and months ....readying themselves for the harvest blades.


