Hayduke's Seldom Seen Garden


Well-Known Member
so the herb extraction described using the 105F as appropriate is not necessarily appropriate for the ganja. Their assertion re:enzyme destruction are not valid for ganja. I totally understand that. It might be exactly why the previous methods attempted have given less than stellar results. The extraction temp needs to be higher. Would you please mind sharing with me your thinking in regards to the 178?

An interesting number but I'm am curious of your thoughts.:o
its tried and true, trust me ;)


Well-Known Member
so the herb extraction described using the 105F as appropriate is not necessarily appropriate for the ganja. Their assertion re:enzyme destruction are not valid for ganja. I totally understand that. It might be exactly why the previous methods attempted have given less than stellar results. The extraction temp needs to be higher. Would you please mind sharing with me your thinking in regards to the 178?

An interesting number but I'm am curious of your thoughts.:o
back in 2002 I had 300 lb.'s of trim from 3 other growers to mess around with of all different kinds of strains.

They wanted oils made
tinctures and butter made
hash made etc.

I tried a few different procedures.... using a few different temps (100-150, and 220-250) on the first fifty lb.'s with less than desirable results all around......

I had a batch of oil and a batch of butter going (was going to try for 166 degrees for 20 minutes to see how that would work out)

Came out perfectly (both batches)

Tried it again and again with no success..... when I realized the thermometer I used was broken and the temp was actually ten degrees or so higher.

So I tried it at 175.... came out almost perfect

so I tried 180........ not quite as good

then one of the growers came in to pick up some batches and said..... "OI, didn't you know 178 is the magic number"

got a digi thermometer, 178 IS the magic number lol.....

Did some research, and it turns out that at 178 degrees the desired oils/resins etc. in cannabis are actually in the transition state of activating that allows it to completely infuse with whatever your binding it too! any higher and the oils slowly evaporate away (the higher you go the faster they evaporate), any lower and they won't fully "melt in" as I like to call it.

Even works with water to make a tea!

the amount of time you let it "simmer" is based on the amount your making.

I have also found that a good amount of THC D9 and CBD's are lost during the straining process because of rapid cooling (sticking) (about 12-15 percent depending on what you strain with, so if you use kief, no need to strain, no extra loss.....


Well-Known Member
I knew it .... sorry ... that's pompous ... I said it with a different tone .... that's fukin awesome. the significance of that number is truly astonishing ... I am off on another research project ... fukin good that my preference is for min blowing energetic cerebral highs .... LOL!


Well-Known Member
Here are some fresh pics...Last 3 are K-Train close up, Hi-Jack that has survived the abuse of me and the bastard thrips that will not leave, so long as I continue to grow food organically:cry: and lastly a few babies that I have been moving between a sky light and the HPS to save electricity. All the rest before the last 3 are Headband.




Well-Known Member
The pics started to all look the same...then I would get sucked into political/religious discussions and get kinda turned off by right-wing potheads who support the local police:confused:



Well-Known Member
Sub'd and rep in the post for a fellow hb lover!!!
She is my absolute favorite since I first went to the shittiest overprice clinic in socal for my first legal buds...(Compassionate Care Clinic of Dana Point) and paid $75USD for 3.5g's (also picked up OGK...for $85!!! like now, San Diego County clinics were closed...and it was my B-day)

Anyway...I found 3 headband clones and put them straight to flower (dumb!)

then revegged and cloned. I have been smoking her for a year, and am not even close to being tired of her...still very stoney! She won't yield much more than a zip at the size I am limited to, but light trim and strong smoke!

We will see about this Hijack, her clones died...but I have a bunch of seeds left

Welcome, and thanks, DST and Stgeneziz.


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Here are some fresh pics...Last 3 are K-Train close up, Hi-Jack that has survived the abuse of me and the bastard thrips that will not leave, so long as I continue to grow food organically:cry: and lastly a few babies that I have been moving between a sky light and the HPS to save electricity. All the rest before the last 3 are Headband.

dude, that headband looks like some killz!! frostyness galore!:weed:


Well-Known Member
dude, that headband looks like some killz!! frostyness galore!:weed:
I love her! I just broke into a new jar from a girl I let go 12 weeks. The flavor is a little different (would be even better but dried quick during Santa Ana's) and it looks a little lighter with many of the big red hairs retreating into the buds. Seems to give me the munchies a little more, where the 9 week does not.



Well-Known Member
I love her! I just broke into a new jar from a girl I let go 12 weeks. The flavor is a little different (would be even better but dried quick during Santa Ana's) and it looks a little lighter with many of the big red hairs retreating into the buds. Seems to give me the munchies a little more, where the 9 week does not.

Going to be cropping my OG kush at the weekend, and will take a couple of the Headbands down as well, going to leave a few to keep going and then do the comparison.....i took down a bud from my og a couple of weeks back, and its about ready to smoke - a bit wispey in parts, as you would expect, but it is stinking like naebodies business!!! (oh, and I didn't think you would mind the pic:eyesmoke: will remove it if you want)


Well-Known Member
Looks yummy DST! I think these Chemdog strains are ready in 9 weeks, but the one I let go 12, is noticeably better in the taste and smell dept. It is also greener than red. The definite draw back is them taking up space and keeping to legal #'s.

I am not sure, but I think the latest pics of mine are either coming up on 9 weeks or maybe 10. I have not flushed yet, but the last watering was just RO water...so it is possible that I DID start...just depends on how they look.

The Hijack was getting all super dark green and started to claw. I up-canned with Ocean Forest (tired of getting salty coco!) and have been watering with my base RO + Cal-Mag + Liquid Karma...the ppm of this is ~340 which is less than the tap...I do not remember if the dark green is from too much Mg+, but that is my guess as I have been using full strength (1tsp/gal) which has helped the HB in coco. Anyway I watered with RO and did a little mini flush (I never do) and within a short time, the "claw" went away! and the leaves have lightened up a bit.



Well-Known Member
hell ya!! looks yummy DST:weed:
Thanks Dr G. It certainly has the full on Kush smell and flavour...but the hit did wear off quicker than norm - which was actually a blessing as I had a wine course to go to last night. Now if you think MJ growing is complex, grapes are def up there with it. Vewry interesting, plus you get to drink loads of wine (I ain't spitting none of that wine out, I can tell ya!!:lol:)

Looks yummy DST! I think these Chemdog strains are ready in 9 weeks, but the one I let go 12, is noticeably better in the taste and smell dept. It is also greener than red. The definite draw back is them taking up space and keeping to legal #'s.

I am not sure, but I think the latest pics of mine are either coming up on 9 weeks or maybe 10. I have not flushed yet, but the last watering was just RO water...so it is possible that I DID start...just depends on how they look.

The Hijack was getting all super dark green and started to claw. I up-canned with Ocean Forest (tired of getting salty coco!) and have been watering with my base RO + Cal-Mag + Liquid Karma...the ppm of this is ~340 which is less than the tap...I do not remember if the dark green is from too much Mg+, but that is my guess as I have been using full strength (1tsp/gal) which has helped the HB in coco. Anyway I watered with RO and did a little mini flush (I never do) and within a short time, the "claw" went away! and the leaves have lightened up a bit.

I really get the feeling Hayduke that the HB's are hardy little girls. As you said b4, mildew resistant, they seem to suck up the nutes, and geez, what a nice bloody smoke!!!! I even threw the local coffeeshop owner on a bit of a whitey when I let him sample some....just love the HB. I also just uploaded the last pics of my OG Kush on my journal, they are enjoying their last day of fake sun as I type - woohoo for the cropping days ahead.


Well-Known Member
I really get the feeling Hayduke that the HB's are hardy little girls. As you said b4, mildew resistant, they seem to suck up the nutes, and geez, what a nice bloody smoke!!!! I even threw the local coffeeshop owner on a bit of a whitey when I let him sample some....just love the HB. I also just uploaded the last pics of my OG Kush on my journal, they are enjoying their last day of fake sun as I type - woohoo for the cropping days ahead.
She must be hardy, as I have not killed her (yet)! Funny about the shop owner!!! And yes...bloody nice smoke! I have been smoking HB for a year and still love it!

Update: I was not sure if it was 9 or 10 weeks. I usually start them on Fri-Sun. I found 1 banana last night. I have found that HB puts off a couple of bananas @ week 5 and again @ week 9...so I assume today is ~63 days. I fed them again 2 nights ago and they pushed out more new pistils. The older pistils have started to pull back, and I would like to see what 11 weeks does, since I have done 12, but I am having trouble starting the flush as she seems to still be going. This batch is exceptional!
