Inside the convoluted mind of John Edwards ...


Well-Known Member
This is slander and maybe you should be careful as Big John is a renowned Lawyer
lol, med has invoked the almighty left threat of lawsuits!!

[FONT=Palatino,]In response to a question of whether he would be comfortable having a fairy tale read to his second-grader that ends with two men kissing and living happily ever after, Edwards had this to say: "… I don't want to make that decision on behalf of my children. I want my children to be able to make that decision on behalf of themselves, and I want them to be exposed to all the information, even in (chuckling), what did you say, second grade? Well, second grade might be a little tough, but even in second grade, to be exposed to all those possibilities. Because I don't want to impose my view – nobody made me God – I don't get to decide on behalf of my family and my children. … I don't get to impose on them what it is that I believe is right."

[/FONT]there it is, read it!

doesn't want to make decisions on behalf of his children?

exposed to what?

the basis of every true father's instruction is what he believes is right. i hope this leftist psycho has at least a couple clear thinking friends to help him piece together what's left of his kids when they grow up. they are going to be completely ravaged and destroyed by life because they have no foundation at all.



New Member
lol, med has invoked the almighty left threat of lawsuits!!

[FONT=Palatino,]In response to a question of whether he would be comfortable having a fairy tale read to his second-grader that ends with two men kissing and living happily ever after, Edwards had this to say: "… I don't want to make that decision on behalf of my children. I want my children to be able to make that decision on behalf of themselves, and I want them to be exposed to all the information, even in (chuckling), what did you say, second grade? Well, second grade might be a little tough, but even in second grade, to be exposed to all those possibilities. Because I don't want to impose my view – nobody made me God – I don't get to decide on behalf of my family and my children. … I don't get to impose on them what it is that I believe is right." [/FONT]

there it is, read it!

doesn't want to make decisions on behalf of his children?

exposed to what?

the basis of every true father's instruction is what he believes is right. i hope this leftist psycho has at least a couple clear thinking friends to help him piece together what's left of his kids when they grow up. they are going to be completely ravaged and destroyed by life because they have no foundation at all.

I think Impose is the wrong term here. I'm pretty sure he wants to influence their decision making but impose is a word that says "Forces" and like all well thought out phrases, I believe he was right in saying he wouldnt impose on them. Do you try and lead them? well yes, that is what parents do, but to force your ideas on your children is a little too much. Show them the path and let them decide. Of course there are certain areas where you must impose on them as it is your responsibility to provide for their safety and well being. IE you wouldn't allow them to go out on the freeway and play etc. Hey I'm not defending the guy from all you heathens. Impose: to establish by force; ,to take un warranted advantage of. Would you take unwarranted advantage of your children? It is a matter of semantics. Of course J.E. would want the best for his kids, Don't be an idiot. Just because you despise the guy, don't slander him. I know you are a Homophobe from reading your posts for 2 years, just fess up.


Well-Known Member
med, you're the ultimate diverter!

just based on his comments, his response to the question, do you not have any sense that maybe this guy isn't cut out for serious leadership? what kind of driveling swill is that nonsense anyway?

you're right, i can't stand the guy. he's the kind of guy who will look you right in the eye and tell you he's not jacking off while he's still holding his pecker. he's a career liar, most lawyers are.

and, i'll repeat again; i don't care about your sexual orientation. stop trying to make me out to be some bad guy because i believe that natural families matter. government schools need to get out of the business of churning out future democrats and get back to education.


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
LAME BRO.. fooking lame..

that question assumes that a 2nd grader KNOWs the difference between a woman kiss and a man kiss..

i had no fooking clue and it would not have made a difference to me in the 2nd grade..

i started jerking it when I was 5 and I had no idea that it was even anything sexual until i was 10 or 11.. i just thought you could rub your kak and get this weird PALPATION.... cookl feeling...

that question presumes soo much.. i saaw my relatives kiss all the time.. it is normal in most societies for men to kiss... lets name a few


and the list goes on and on..

don't belive the hype.. try and actually LOOK at the questions before you statrt jerking off to the answer..


what if i asked you....

Would you shoot a dragon if it came into your house and ate your cherrios?

would you answer that question.... or might you stop and wonder .. hmmm? are dragons real? do dragons even eat cheerios?

VI - do you even know the definition of gay? serious? i'd love to know myself.. cause I have NO fooking idea?

don't play the games dude... live in reality.. it is soooooo much easier


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
and edwards is just as much as a sleeping drone for falling for this ludicrous question as.. the next guy lol



New Member
"VI - do you even know the definition of gay? serious? i'd love to know myself.. cause I have NO fooking idea?"

Of course I know the definition of "gay." It infers the mental state of happy, elated and positive. Now then, those who have hijacked the word to refer to the homosexual lifestyle as "gay" have made a gross mistake. You see GK, the average life expectancy of an adult "gay" male in this country is around 42 years. What the Hell is so "gay" about that?

Again, in refering to the article that started this thread, the main idea is that Leftist honestly believe that the Nanny State has ownership over the children. The same idea was foisted off on the people of Nazi Germany.



New Member
"VI - do you even know the definition of gay? serious? i'd love to know myself.. cause I have NO fooking idea?"

Of course I know the definition of "gay." It infers the mental state of happy, elated and positive. Now then, those who have hijacked the word to refer to the homosexual lifestyle as "gay" have made a gross mistake. You see GK, the average life expectancy of an adult "gay" male in this country is around 42 years. What the Hell is so "gay" about that?

Again, in refering to the article that started this thread, the main idea is that Leftist honestly believe that the Nanny State has ownership over the children. The same idea was foisted off on the people of Nazi Germany.



New Member
med, you're the ultimate diverter!

just based on his comments, his response to the question, do you not have any sense that maybe this guy isn't cut out for serious leadership? what kind of driveling swill is that nonsense anyway?

you're right, i can't stand the guy. he's the kind of guy who will look you right in the eye and tell you he's not jacking off while he's still holding his pecker. he's a career liar, most lawyers are.

and, i'll repeat again; i don't care about your sexual orientation. stop trying to make me out to be some bad guy because i believe that natural families matter. government schools need to get out of the business of churning out future democrats and get back to education.

Why do you hate gays? Why do you hate schools and the teachers in them? why do you hate J.E.? Why do you hate Democrats? why do you hate?

Whether I'm Gay or not should be no concern to you. Actually, what does being gay have to do with politics anyway? I'm not, but if I were would it really matter? You and your "family values" thingy is just another way to hate a segment of society that really has no bearing on your existence, or would do you any harm. For Gods sake, If you really are that Christian you claim to be, start acting like it. Jesus loves everyone, even you. Stop the hating.


Well-Known Member
John Edwards should have just come out and told the truth instead of trying to be politically correct when he answered that question.

This is one of the reasons I support Ron Paul over these other Dem/Repub pandering used car salesmen/saleswomen types who would rather tell you what you want to hear instead of what they really beleive, I mean how can Americans decide on which candidate to support when they all refuse to tell us what they truely beleive? :confused:


Well-Known Member
John Edwards should have just come out and told the truth instead of trying to be politically correct when he answered that question.

This is one of the reasons I support Ron Paul over these other Dem/Repub pandering used car salesmen/saleswomen types who would rather tell you what you want to hear instead of what they really beleive, I mean how can Americans decide on which candidate to support when they all refuse to tell us what they truely beleive? :confused:
exactly exactly exactly exactly.

he HAS to tell his kids something, that's what a dad does! he would rather stand there and pander like a cheap whore than just stand the hell up and say what he believes. the fact that so many dems support this guy is alarming...

med, i don't hate anybody. can that go into your granite skull? i have absolutely no respect for edwards or clinton, liars the both of them but edwards is the most compulsive of the two. i think he doesn't even know when he's lying anymore. obama is actually admirable, he will say what he really thinks most of the time - and in a party that is obsessed with PC and censorship that takes guts. maybe he can shift the left from being so pro-government/anti-liberty?



New Member
exactly exactly exactly exactly.

he HAS to tell his kids something, that's what a dad does! he would rather stand there and pander like a cheap whore than just stand the hell up and say what he believes. the fact that so many dems support this guy is alarming...

med, i don't hate anybody. can that go into your granite skull? i have absolutely no respect for edwards or clinton, liars the both of them but edwards is the most compulsive of the two. i think he doesn't even know when he's lying anymore. obama is actually admirable, he will say what he really thinks most of the time - and in a party that is obsessed with PC and censorship that takes guts. maybe he can shift the left from being so pro-government/anti-liberty?

Come on 7X, quit avoiding the issue. You are obsessed with the gay phenomenom. You are probably a closet gay yourself. I've watched this attitude about gays for some time now and it is way too phobic to be normal. Look I could care less if you are gay or not, or if anyone is. My philosophy on gays: Don't kiss in public as that agitates the Christian idiots, Don't hit on me, and we'll get along just fine. As for Edwards, yeah he stuck his foot in his mouth, but that was a pretty loaded question. Why don't they talk about his medical plans or his views on poverty or how he'll virtually stop the insane war. No, they have to pick on a miss speak. Hey thats politics, but the fervor with which you rightys came down on him speaks volumns about where your heads are at.


Well-Known Member
he's a trial lawyer, he doesn't mis-speak but if he does he goes on damage control... that's how they work.

you caught me med, i'm as queer as a 3 dollar bill and a football bat. the only time i enjoy spending time with girls is when i get invited over to slumber parties to stay up all night gossiping while doing exfoliating masks and sipping tropical flavored wine coolers.

btw, are you the medicineman65 who responded to my gay adult personal ad in Las Vegas? i really like that shot of your hairy ass.



New Member
he's a trial lawyer, he doesn't mis-speak but if he does he goes on damage control... that's how they work.

you caught me med, i'm as queer as a 3 dollar bill and a football bat. the only time i enjoy spending time with girls is when i get invited over to slumber parties to stay up all night gossiping while doing exfoliating masks and sipping tropical flavored wine coolers.

btw, are you the medicineman65 who responded to my gay adult personal ad in Las Vegas? i really like that shot of your hairy ass.

Hey, I thought we weren't going to talk about that. But to answer your question, no, that was my love slave I used to pose, I lent him to you and he said you couldn't get it up. Now I know for sure, you are a quasi-sexual,~LOL~. Sorry for the mis-diagnosis, I must be slipping.


Well-Known Member
Hey, I thought we weren't going to talk about that. But to answer your question, no, that was my love slave I used to pose, I lent him to you and he said you couldn't get it up. Now I know for sure, you are a quasi-sexual,~LOL~. Sorry for the mis-diagnosis, I must be slipping.
what's this, are you trying to rob me of my gayness now? i can't even get two steps out of the closet and you're accusing me of not being gay. if your love slave didn't look so much like Rosie O'donell i wouldn't have had that problem...



New Member
Med ...

Have you been cheating on me? What's up with the love slave thingie, you big silly?



Well-Known Member
Thread going to hell. I hear they don\' have this problem in Iran. Or Phenomonon, as they call it in some circles.


New Member
They have it Indie ... but the government doesn't know about it. When the government finds out, the gays are killed poste haste. They actually have morality police who patrol the steets of Iran. They make "corrections" on a regular basis. If a woman is spotted wearing finger nail polish for instance, she is arrested and punished. There's nothing like a police state to give every little nazi piss ant his own little hill to piss from, eh?




New Member
Yes you sound very educated slinging the word Nazi around as if it's deepest connotation is parallel to a US political party. Making light of a tragic event in world history by calling republicans Nazi's is what being an asshole is all about. Just because you have 3,600 posts doesn't afford you the right to be crude. All you sound like right now is misinformed. Arguing about politics calls for specific reasons not generalized rambling and when it becomes personal YOU lose all credibility sir.
I only have one question for you: What kind of dork chooses Donnieosmond for a screen name? HaHaHaHpoHoHoHeHeHe~LOL~ idiot.


Well-Known Member
They make \"corrections\" on a regular basis.....................................Thats the nice way of saying it. Why do we continue to fund that corrupt bunch at the UN? So they can wave this piss ant dictators in our face? Get the USA out of the UN.


New Member
They make \"corrections\" on a regular basis.....................................Thats the nice way of saying it. Why do we continue to fund that corrupt bunch at the UN? So they can wave this piss ant dictators in our face? Get the USA out of the UN.
And then what? Bomb everyone that doesn't like our foriegn policy. It's almost that way already. There are contingency plans to bomb Iran. I really hate to see it, but I think that would teach those idiot Neo-cons a real lesson when a million Iranians come pouring accross the iraq border and start slaughtering our troops. Maybe that will; stop the violence, or escalate into WWIII. Iran will fight and fight to the death. Does our military posses that morass. I know when I was in, I would be thinking of making it back home, not dying to fulfill a few knuckleheads power trips.