fluorescent lighting vs 1000w


Well-Known Member
Thefaux, uhh do you have any links that show a 1000 watt CFL grow out producing a 1000 watt HPS grow? Are you really trying to argue that 1000 watts of CFL is better than 1000 watts of HPS? You are the one that is smoking crack if those crazy thoughts are going through your head


New Member
Thefaux, uhh do you have any links that show a 1000 watt CFL grow out producing a 1000 watt HPS grow? Are you really trying to argue that 1000 watts of CFL is better than 1000 watts of HPS? You are the one that is smoking crack if those crazy thoughts are going through your head
You clearly have no experience growing with floros. ;-)


Active Member
Just wanted to point out that there are many things to consider when going for a 1000w. You don't just hang it up and plug it in. You have to have an air conditioner and probably a blower and cool tube also. I wouldn't even bother buying a 1000w without one. you also have to have a high wattage timer, they're like 20 bucks though.

If this is your first grow i recommend flouros from homedepot, just my 2 cents though.


Well-Known Member
well I am very experienced at growing with flouros tube and cfl type.. used tubes for years and now use cfl's, bud room is just over 10ft square and I have a 400w hps and 378w of cfl (9 x 42W)...(7500 lunem per foot square)
my veg. room 312w of cfl (26w X 12) been going for 10 years indoors so please don't tell me I have no experience when you don't know me from Adam...

anyway all the OP was asking was..
how many fluorescent lights would compare to a 1000w pro set up?

answer...a ass load!!! about 48 X 42W cfl to get 134400 lumen.

and would the energy cost be the same?

answer... 1000w = 1000w be it a hps light, cfl light, space heater,toster,ect.ect.ect.ect. only problem is it wont be 1000w of cfl to = 1000w of hps it will be more like 2000w of cfl!!!

and what about the set up cost would it be cheaper for the flurescent lighting?

answer...lets say you can get 42W cfls for $5.00 each... 5 X 48 = $240 in bulbs ..right now there are lots of 1000W hps on ebay for less then $300

as stated in the FAQ...


HID lighting is generally accepted as a better light for growing cannabis for a few reasons...
· It has much better light penetration
· It is much more powerful (higher lumen output)
· It is stronger in light spectrums suited for growing plants

now Im not knocking CFLs in the least I love the damn things, but at this moment in time you will get more and bigger buds from the hps..
why do you think you have never seen a 6000W cfl grow room...it would not produce enough and cost to much...

in simple terms..
small grow (under 400W)> use whatever lighting you wish cfl, hps, mh, led
large grow > use a damn HPS/MH

and something else to think about.. a 1000w hps can go inside a cooltube.... 1000W of cfl cant and if you don't think 1000w of cfl is hot lock your self in a closet with 1000W of them and have someone let you out in 12 hours.. I bet you turn them off before 12 hours is up..lol...


Active Member
LOL, yeah i use HO for Veg and HPS for Flower it just works better. x2 600 for flower works great even better if sealed and cooled, so can be closer to Canopy and even C02 if you wanna take it up a notch..


Well-Known Member
bottom line
You should not expect HID bulbs to emit anywhere near the QUALITY of light that fluorescent's do, and
you should not expect fluorescent's to emit anywhere near the INTENSITY of light HID's do.


Well-Known Member
You guys are dumb. :lol:
well TheFaux still waiting to see a link to any grow of 1000w or more of just fluorescent lighting budding any ware close to a hid grow...when you get a link please post it...

if by dumb you mean know 1000w of hps is better then 1000w of fluorescent at this moment in time to bud then yes I and 95% of the people on here are dumb, hell everyone that grows indoors with hid lighting is dumb, and you must be dumb to be on a website with all of us 1000's of dumb people...


New Member
well TheFaux still waiting to see a link to any grow of 1000w or more of just fluorescent lighting budding any ware close to a hid grow...when you get a link please post it...

if by dumb you mean know 1000w of hps is better then 1000w of fluorescent at this moment in time to bud then yes I and 95% of the people on here are dumb, hell everyone that grows indoors with hid lighting is dumb, and you must be dumb to be on a website with all of us 1000's of dumb people...
Do you even have a 1kw HID? :fire:


Well-Known Member
Do you even have a 1kw HID? :fire:
Whatup Faux... All i see is you insulting people for not agreeing with you. I think that most growers use a combo in the grows... but vegging and flowering is a big difference. Do as you wish with your t5's... but why do you think your battling an uphill battle?

most of us probably started flowering with cfls or t5 whe we were learning... but once we became big boy and grew up we bought hps for flowering.

I understand what your saying about floro's having a better color to it (based on those articles)... but you can never compare the light penetration and reach and the intensity of growing under HPS.... sure people say "you can put floros closer to your plant blah blah..." but the truth is that you HAVE to put it closer....cause your only growing like the top 8-12 inches... 1000 watter just put at the highest place in a room will grow shit out all the way down.... Soooo.. its on how you want to look at it...


PS... I myself still hang 4 floros above my plants in conjunction with my cheap 600 watt bulb and i get the better growth of two colors... I have done grows with or without a mix... and my plants love the little floros in conjuction with the hps;.... not lumens... just comfort...LOL

good luck


Well-Known Member
Do you even have a 1kw HID? :fire:
no... I use a 400w hps and 378w of cfl in my box.. I have not said anything about I have a 1000w anything...
what I did say and you have called me and other people dumb, like a 10 year about is 1000W of hps is better then a 1000w of cfl..


New Member
Whatup Faux... All i see is you insulting people for not agreeing with you. I think that most growers use a combo in the grows... but vegging and flowering is a big difference. Do as you wish with your t5's... but why do you think your battling an uphill battle?

most of us probably started flowering with cfls or t5 whe we were learning... but once we became big boy and grew up we bought hps for flowering.

I understand what your saying about floro's having a better color to it (based on those articles)... but you can never compare the light penetration and reach and the intensity of growing under HPS.... sure people say "you can put floros closer to your plant blah blah..." but the truth is that you HAVE to put it closer....cause your only growing like the top 8-12 inches... 1000 watter just put at the highest place in a room will grow shit out all the way down.... Soooo.. its on how you want to look at it...


PS... I myself still hang 4 floros above my plants in conjunction with my cheap 600 watt bulb and i get the better growth of two colors... I have done grows with or without a mix... and my plants love the little floros in conjuction with the hps;.... not lumens... just comfort...LOL

good luck
You don't even have a 1k?

no... I use a 400w hps and 378w of cfl in my box.. I have not said anything about I have a 1000w anything...
what I did say and you have called me and other people dumb, like a 10 year about is 1000W of hps is better then a 1000w of cfl..
I am in no way limiting the superiority of floros to 1,000 watts. :razz:


Well-Known Member
You don't even have a 1k?

I am in no way limiting the superiority of floros to 1,000 watts. :razz:

I do .. but i use a 600 though ;-) .. i can use the other 400 watts for my other shit....

I still cant believe you trying to compare them in any way. i have never had any floro weed that i would take over hps weed in a purchase sense...

I think you have a case of loving YOUR weed... maybe venture out a little check out the world eh...


New Member
I do .. but i use a 600 though ;-) .. i can use the other 400 watts for my other shit....

I still cant believe you trying to compare them in any way. i have never had any floro weed that i would take over hps weed in a purchase sense...

I think you have a case of loving YOUR weed... maybe venture out a little check out the world eh...
No T5s??????