Pregnant female. What should I do?


I just found out that one of my females growing outdoors is producing seeds. Should I harvest it right now or should I just let it finish flowering? I've picked some of the seeds out but there's so many I don't know to either just leave it there or not.:wall:


New Member
Keep er. Enjoy the seeds. Let them finish the seeds off before u harvest so u got some viable ones. The damage is done so make with what u got... Unless u can find an abortion clinic para su mota

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
Keep er. Enjoy the seeds. Let them finish the seeds off before u harvest so u got some viable ones. The damage is done so make with what u got... Unless u can find an abortion clinic para su mota
yeah, let her finish now and use seeds for next year.


Well-Known Member
How did she get poliniated? Did you have some males? I've heard that in rare cases a male flower appears on a female (not hermafrodite) then the seeds she produces will be feminized. Anyone ever hear that? Just a myth?


Well-Known Member
I thought the males barley produce any thc. Not even enough to make hash or oils from. Is that true


This blows, how bad do yall think my yield is going to be affected? If I pick the seeds out, would it even do any good at this point? Or do these just keep coming?


New Member
Duse like we said. Keep the seeds for next year. There is nothing u can do about it she has already been fucked and focused energy on makin babie so nurture those babies til they too grow up and smoke the shit out of them


Active Member
indeed,u sure you dont have any males there????.the plant could have been stressed somehow(its there natural defence,it tries to preserve itself by making seeds if its being heavily attacked)

butttttt,there are cases of phenos that will seed no matter what,as long as your buds are nice,fat and crystally,you should be fine,and yeh,you got free seeds so keep em!


Well-Known Member
don't worrys about it man, one of my plants whole bottom half was seeded but top half was all bud no seed. and it was the only plant i had....


Active Member
I agree with everyone..Keep the seeds for next years grow. You can't do anything that I know to stop it so enjoy the bud and curse the seeds as you pick them from your smoke,UNTIL next grow then be thankful you have them.


indeed,u sure you dont have any males there????.the plant could have been stressed somehow(its there natural defence,it tries to preserve itself by making seeds if its being heavily attacked)

butttttt,there are cases of phenos that will seed no matter what,as long as your buds are nice,fat and crystally,you should be fine,and yeh,you got free seeds so keep em!

Nope, got no males... I'm sure my plant isn't a herm, I checked for any signs of pollen sacks and found none. It had to come from someone close.. probably a neighbor.