Girls didn't look like this when I was in jr high..



Well im 18 now and I know it's wrong to think about and crap, but what the fuck. Girls didn't have the boobs/hourglass shape back when I when to jr high that they do now.[Well maybe a select few] Am i just a nut or are girls mature a LOT younger nowadays?

What would be the cause? Steroids in meats?



Well-Known Member
I don't know but its not just Jr high, but clear across the spectrum, Women have just became more Bodacious...Let's not Break It :-P


Well-Known Member
i think its the water

i hate seeing a possible cutie down the road and when i get closer shes like 14, makes me feel like a pedo, even tho im disgusted with myself for previous thoughts.

i think parents have alot to do with it too. if i was a daddy my little girl would wear long skirts and turtlenecks untill she was married


Well-Known Member
Your daughter would then be a hot sweater girl.

I feel like it's just a big let down when I see amazing looking girls and then finally get close enough to see they're probably just babies but it's impossible to tell. I run across women who are 27,30 and look like they could be underage from time to time so hows a guy to know ?
Not fair I say, youd be a better dad to just raise her fat let her get slim and amazing looking when she's ripe.


Well-Known Member
I honestly get confused between 14 and 20 year olds...
As i get older... it's tougher to tell. Scares me a lil.. i don't want to end up doing 5 to 10 ! lol


I honestly get confused between 14 and 20 year olds...
As i get older... it's tougher to tell. Scares me a lil.. i don't want to end up doing 5 to 10 ! lol
lmao thats exactly what im talking about.
on my 18th I found out I was about to call a 15 year old.[Got her number at some rave] I'm glad my buddie was there. It was a fuzzy memory, took lots of unknwn pillz, but I still remember getting her number >_<

Never went to another one after that..


Well-Known Member
A study out of the University of Helsinki claims evolution is causing women to become more attractive
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Evolution makes women more attractive

By News Online's Sarah Collerton
Posted Wed Jul 29, 2009 6:00pm AEST
Updated Wed Jul 29, 2009 6:13pm AEST
'You're so symmetrical': researchers have found that people generally agree on who is beautiful. (File photo) (Getty Images: Matt King)

Good news girls: you're getting more beautiful. But the forecast isn't so rosy for men.
Scientists have found that evolution is driving women to become more attractive, while men are not likely to advance in the looks department at all.
A study, led by Markus Jokela from the University of Helsinki, found beautiful women had up to 16 per cent more children than their plainer counterparts.


New Member
A study out of the University of Helsinki claims evolution is causing women to become more attractive

sorry, but im callin this article a hoax of bullshit

look into "endocrine disruption"...or just google "xenoestrogens"

..and you'll find a boatload of information that's NEVER discussed in popular media.

In humans, females are the default sex...if it weren't for exposure to tdf (a protein called testis determining factor)...and a host of other androgens early in the womb, a fetus will develop into a female.

these days, environmental toxins which interfere with the endocrine system, have been found to be feminizing nature across the board. Feminized male fish, frogs, and aligators, for example, have been found all across the nation...many of them producing female eggs in their testicles, and unable to reproduce

(is there any reason why there are so many fertility drugs/clinics popping up everywhere??)

these "xenoestrogens"...xeno="foreign"...are found everywhere from non-organic foods (not just meats but foods containing pesticide residues, such as apples with atrazine or endosulfame sprayed on them. this also contaminates ground/drinking water and other species too.

these toxins are also found in commercial soaps, shampoos, deodorants, toothpastes, dryer sheets, paints, hair sprays and many other beauty accessories, air fresheners, etc etc etc the list goes on

just think about how a chemical pesticide is designed to work- it literally chemically-castrates insects, many of them vertebrates, by interefering with the endocrine and nervous systems, so that they can't reproduce/multiply and wreak havoc on the crop. Well the problem with this is that WE'RE vertebrates too, and our nervous and endocrine systems work the same way. Furthermore, almost all of these compounds are lipophillic, and bioaccumulate in fat tissue (our brains and primary reproductive organs, testes and ovaries, are all made from fats...)

so as puberty hits the young ladies earlier due to this phenomenon, the males seem to be going through the opposite- delayed puberty, due to environmental chemicals that interefere with the synthesis, release, transport, binding, activation, storage and elimination of endogenous androgens (male sex hormones)

what's to be learned from this?

eat organic and use organic products


Well-Known Member
when i went to school both JR and high school, they wernt this skimpy and slutty either... gotta thank hip hop for that... if i could only go bak in time!!!


Elite Rolling Society
I read an article about this last year, and the changes were blamed on Growth Hormones fed to chickens.
The article said it is not regulated in Mexico and in Mexico girls and other south american countries, are starting their periods at age 6, 7 and 8 now, because of growth hormones added to chicken to make them grow faster.
In America, the amounts are regualted but are still heavy doses.

I'm 60 yrs old, and when I was in school, girls got breasts and started their periods at age 15 or 16 at the youngest. Now it is closer to age 12 I think.


Well-Known Member
I read an article about this last year, and the changes were blamed on Growth Hormones fed to chickens.
The article said it is not regulated in Mexico and in Mexico girls and other south american countries, are starting their periods at age 6, 7 and 8 now, because of growth hormones added to chicken to make them grow faster.
In America, the amounts are regualted but are still heavy doses.

I'm 60 yrs old, and when I was in school, girls got breasts and started their periods at age 15 or 16 at the youngest. Now it is closer to age 12 I think.
12??? my 5 yr old has breasts.... its so wierd.. they r obvioulsy not big or developed but u can see them in her shirt and shes not fat.. scares me!!!


Elite Rolling Society
Saturday morning, the daddy announces he is going to go get a haircut. The mother says "well, take Susy with you, so I can go shopping". And so daddy agrees and takes his little 8 year old daughter with him to the barber shop.

The daddy waits patiently in the chair with his daughter sitting beside him, waiting for his name to be called next. Then Susy asks her daddy for 50 cents to get a Little Debbie pastry out of the snack machine and her daddy gives her two quarters just when his name is called.

The daddy gets in the barber chair, the barber starts cutting away, hair flying in all directions. Little Susy comes and leans against the chair, eating her cake. The barber looks down to see her and says as the hair flies in all directions

"Honey, you are going to get hair on your twinkie"

Susy looks up and replies

"I know it, and I 'm going to get tits someday too."


Well-Known Member
Saturday morning, the daddy announces he is going to go get a haircut. The mother says "well, take Susy with you, so I can go shopping". And so daddy agrees and takes his little 8 year old daughter with him to the barber shop.

The daddy waits patiently in the chair with his daughter sitting beside him, waiting for his name to be called next. Then Susy asks her daddy for 50 cents to get a Little Debbie pastry out of the snack machine and her daddy gives her two quarters just when his name is called.

The daddy gets in the barber chair, the barber starts cutting away, hair flying in all directions. Little Susy comes and leans against the chair, eating her cake. The barber looks down to see her and says as the hair flies in all directions

"Honey, you are going to get hair on your twinkie"

Susy looks up and replies

"I know it, and I 'm going to get tits someday too."
hahha, cute...


Well-Known Member
around here we call the fully develoded girls at 12 years old hormone babies. when we were kids they didnt have those baby formulas that are full of hormones. now the babies who were born in the nineties were introduced to baby formuala with hormones in it. so i guess the newer formulas are to blame. why they do it i dont know. why do they inject co2 into meat before you buy it? i honestly think its the baby formula though. the thing with evolution is you cant see it in a generations time. evolution takes more than a lifetime to see the changes


Active Member
i think its the water

i hate seeing a possible cutie down the road and when i get closer shes like 14, makes me feel like a pedo, even tho im disgusted with myself for previous thoughts.

i think parents have alot to do with it too. if i was a daddy my little girl would wear long skirts and turtlenecks untill she was married
OMG I do this possibly once a day.

even WORSE is when your totally scoping out this hottie in tight pants, and when you get closer you realize its a EFFIN EMO dude.. AHHHHHHHHHHH dress like a guy please.


New Member
anybody care to comment/repond to my post? i give seminars and try to educate people about this, it's part of my work. Ask any questions you'd like, I'd be glad to answer

Once again, it's not just hormones in meat. that is only a small part of the other places in south america, they use substances such as ddt and other pesticides/herbicides which are banned in many countries and have the SAME effects


New Member
i really think its the baby formula though.
and ur correct...but thats only a small part of the equation

these toxins are found in the air, water, food and more

not exclusively in baby formula, so blaming a phenomenon on baby formula alone is absurd

and thanks for the rep guy