1000w BarneysFarm Red Diesel


Well-Known Member
after some thought i went with "seni seeds early girl", i know its suppose to be a outdoorstrain but i think it will be fine, hopefully seeds get here next week


Well-Known Member
i chopd off some little nuggz of the RD and put them outside to dry out in the heat.....little to no undeveloped seeds....smell has such a deep kushlike scent, the smoke is heavy and you can tell its deisel roots, kinda frosty if i do say so myself....so glad i kept the clones:leaf:



Well-Known Member
mine got screwballed by thrips....

not impressed! well, winters a commin and in in canada. time to shut er down when these pathetic girls are done...

happy growin bud! see ya next season!
i chopd off some little nuggz of the RD and put them outside to dry out in the heat.....little to no undeveloped seeds....smell has such a deep kushlike scent, the smoke is heavy and you can tell its deisel roots, kinda frosty if i do say so myself....so glad i kept the clones:leaf:
i've never seen weed that frosty in person! great job man, and you've got me re-thinking Barney's gear.


Well-Known Member
told you it would just get better and better.... Im glad to be able to say I told you so.... now max yield.....
thanx bro...the truth is...i think the RD might be to much...gets me completly retarded...lol, smoked a bowl then hit the casino....after a couple drinks i literally fell out of my chair...imbarassing but funny, damn RD


Well-Known Member
thanx bro...the truth is...i think the RD might be to much...gets me completly retarded...lol, smoked a bowl then hit the casino....after a couple drinks i literally fell out of my chair...imbarassing but funny, damn RD
lool, the answer is dont smoke as much :D

Im gonna try some Barneys LSD soon. Sounds like the bomb.


Well-Known Member
couple pics of the G13ThaiSuper Skunk (turned out shitty), a real sexy momma, and today i am starting her flush, so water from here on out...and the little one is a Power Africa i had in 18/6 vegg. for a little over 4 weeks i think....so hopefully when she shows pre-flowers i can top/clone and see how that goes, cause if i remember correctly that shit was that bombay:leaf:



Well-Known Member
How did the T.S.S. turn out shitty?
haha my bad, i ment the pics turned out shitty...i can see that plant puting out anything but tasty bomb nuggz.... wondering if any of u guys know what i could expect as far as yeild....maybe some guestimations?....im thinkin no less than 2 1/2 oz. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Here's some pics, she was heavily LST'd and supercropped during the first week of flower. Here she is at 13 weeks 5 days flower:
