awesome vid moldy !! That was awesome and the cat is so cute!!
We once had a cat (when I was really young ) that would actually use the toliet.. She would even try to "flush" with the handle every time ( I AM NOT LYING I PROMISE ) but of course she couldnt really flush it but she would try lol.. She was never taught to use it either.. She jsut picked it up watching us lol.. My mother always said "baby" ( the cats name ) thought she was human cuz she never seen another cat b4 lol.. My mom could say "baby, go get the keys" and she would go into my moms bedroom, into my moms purse and get her damn keys .. That cat was the best cat ever and I still miss her today... She loved to play fetch and would bring her little soft ball and drop it on your lap wanting you to throw it lol.. Sigh..