sharing a tent, veg/flower.. temp and circulation concerns???


Well-Known Member
k so i had to split my tent with a curtain to acommadate my needs... hopefully short term... its a 8x4x5.5 ft tent.. the flower side is 4x5x5.5 with a 1k hps and the veg is 3x4x5.5 with a 400MH.. anyways.. my temps used to be at 82 b4 i put the 400 in and now at 92-95... is this too hot??? i dont have a humidity gage but it feels humider in there as well.. the intake from outside is in the flower side and the carbon out take is in the veg side... the curtain is from the floor to the celing to prevent light leaks... any way i can increase the air flow in the tent from room to room with out leaking light??? what if i dropped the curtain a foot?? will that leak too much light??? its not totaly dark in my flower room if i do so for light gets in threw the top... i jus dont want hot stale air in either room...


Well-Known Member
That is definitely too hot.Did you take those temps by the canopy??Are your lights air cooled???You need to to get a duct splitter and suck stale air out both sides


Well-Known Member
That is definitely too hot.Did you take those temps by the canopy??Are your lights air cooled???You need to to get a duct splitter and suck stale air out both sides
no air cooled tubes... the temp was takin from the top of the tent not the canopy as my thermometer stays there... it is however located above the 1000HPS so that could make it seem higher then it really is...if i split the air goin out then ill need to carbon filters... what if i made a lil tent to store my carbon filter in and then outtaked from both rooms into the carbon tent and extracted it outside??? think i should get the 400 out and use my cfls till i fig some thing out or at least harvest??? my deal is even if i make a new tent i dont wanna buy another carbon filter but my veg strain smell more then my flowering strain.. i can only imagine when they r in flower... how else can i do this with out buying another filter cuz i really dont have the $$$ to do so, even after my harvest


Well-Known Member
That would be the best solution for now.It's pretty easy to make another carbon filter though.At walmart they sell activated carbon for like $6 buck a jar.I use the container it comes in, I simply cut a nice size hole on the bottom and a hole on the lid and wrap with pantyhose as filter and it they hook up nice to a 4 inch duct with aluminum tape,you can make a bigger on with a larger container,It's way cheaper.

The one at wal mart looks slightly different but is the same stuff


Well-Known Member
thnx.. i took it out b4 u got bak to me.. seemed rite... sure these thing that u make r as good as the 1's u buy??? what about a fan to suck it out??? think the carbon tent idea will work??? do u have a link from the 1 u made??? i know its all over the FAQ but u recomding it tested and true makes me feel safer.. my neighbours r assholes so...


Well-Known Member
thnx.. i took it out b4 u got bak to me.. seemed rite... sure these thing that u make r as good as the 1's u buy??? what about a fan to suck it out??? think the carbon tent idea will work??? do u have a link from the 1 u made??? i know its all over the FAQ but u recomding it tested and true makes me feel safer.. my neighbours r assholes so...
Yeah I have some filtering as we speak hooked up to inline fans.I was trying to load up a pic of 1 i made thats why I took so long to reply but I cant find the damn cable to my digital cam.Post some up when I can,they look pretty stupid but hey they work.I have 1 big carbon filter I bought for my flowering room (before I knew how to make my own) and 1 home made one per veg area.


Well-Known Member
cool, well if ya can, get bak at me when u can.. ide rather do sumthin i know works (or so u say) then try my self and fail.. thnx.. good nite!!!!


Well-Known Member
Koo will do and it works,nobody smells my plants when they come in my house (no one knows),and my house is very small.I have 11 in their 5th week of flowering and many clones and mothers in my veg rooms(1-2 month perpetual harvest depending on season).Activated carbon is whats in those big carbon filters.


Well-Known Member
where do u filter it to??? in ur home or outside.. i jus went down there and my temp is bak to 82 in a matter of 20 mins... i think it was more the curtain cutin off the curculation and confining the air was more an issue then the 400


Well-Known Member
I filter both in and outside.Big one recirculates air inside grow area(which is 1 room with flowering area seperated with panda film 1 veg area in tent 1 veg area in closet) little ones suck the air in the veg areas which also suck in the air the big one is recirculating to the outside , the fans for the little ones turn on on a set time the big one is always recirculating the air,ohh and the little ones hook up to my cool hood.See that way the big one does the heavy filtering and the little ones take it outside while cooling my light and it's like filtering twice.
do u have light leaks?....any problems at all using curtains.......i have a room that i am vegging right now (scrogging) aeroponics........but i plan to flower soon.....and i dont know how to cover up the 4x4 area that i have against the wall....does your curtains work good? do you put reflective product on it?