they can give u the same amount... the proof is in the pudding, look at my pics... looks like a SOG dont it??? i too was gonna go sog but this strain just wouldnt root... all i know is that those lil sog clones i have in the room now needs to be watered twice as often as my others and if my whole room was a sog that would be alota work(watering, cloning, transplanting) and alota containers too... but its up to you and how big u r goin and what works for u... the supercropping may take a lil longer to get u started due to a longer veg time as ur SOG will receive lil or no veg but once u get it going in ur intervals of say 3 weeks, ull be rite on track... dont get me wrong, once my crop is done im gonna try the SOG method with about 1/2 my area(while the suppercroped vegs out) cuz that was my intension when i started and i do wanna see the difference but due to them not rooting i had to go this route.. i honestly think that if there is any difference in yeild the lack of work will make up for it (time is $$$)... since u already have 2 batches, y not do a full SOG run from start to finish with ur whole area, and cut a few extra clones and veg them with the suppercropping while ur SOG runs, then ull have everything ready to go and recieve bud all the way threw without missin a beat...good luck with ur experiments!!! let me know what the diff was later down the road and what u perfer and y.. jus PM me....