if you could...


Well-Known Member
I had a friend get arrested for illegal fornication in Missouri.
She was a screamer and her neighbor got sick of it so he called in
a noise complaint, since she wasn't married they slapped her with a noise ordinance fee and illegal unwed fornication. Apparently there was an existing county law that stated no persons could engage in any form of 'romantic interlude' unless the relationship was bound my marriage.

They fined her $100 and that was it. Still I can't believe that shit was being enforced in 1998. I have no idea if they still try and pull that shit there.


what the fuck.... that is funny and gets me angry at the same time haha :finger:

steve, are you trying to have us write your college papers? im just kiddin man, i know this is just a place to get good ideas. too bad you couldnt use anything here as a source, except a testamonial maybe

i wrote a paper about endocrin disrupting compunds, shit that throws off animals reproductive systems off and causes all sortts of ecosystem problems(im obviously too baked to write a paper by that discription)

well its sodamy, which i think is illegal but its not a crime anyone gets in trouble for unless its with children

yeah i dont think i could write a paper about that lol (and yes lol just trying to get some ideas) but is that the same thing that i heard about the other day. it was in ny i think where there is so much pollution and chemicals in the drinking water the fish are being born with both male and female organs.


Well-Known Member

i kinda liked where it was going. i thought id get some real good convo going...

guess its too much for people.

....did stevie just find out his paper topic?!?! :-D


Active Member
... didn't Clinton try it out a lil bit here and there? lol I pull these 'facts' from nowhere..


Well-Known Member
I wrote a paper in college basically dismissing religion.....It was a lot of fun to write and it really pissed some people off (I went to college in the bible belt) which is always fun to do with a paper :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
maybe in your schools. but over here they knew we were fucking and basically said "bust your load into her sheets or her mouth instead of her pussy". a high school near me had the highest pregnancy rating in my whole state.


Active Member
maybe in your schools. but over here they knew we were fucking and basically said "bust your load into her sheets or her mouth instead of her pussy". a high school near me had the highest pregnancy rating in my whole state.
ouch! at least they 'let you know' or whatever... :joint:


Well-Known Member
i am extremely against organized religion and religion in general. im not athiest but man could never grasp something that huge. especially during the time we thought the earth was flat... and long before that even...