White Widow & The Purps!! PICS Posted Daily!!


Active Member
So i guess you could say this is my 3rd or fourth grow, i continually have plants in different stages but im almost to my 4th harvest... so heres the deal... my buddy went up to B.C. and brought me back some White Widow and The Purps seeds... I have read other people grow journals and they get lots of great advice thoughout the grow, so i figured why not... The problem is the seeds were mixed together so i am not sure which are which... guess i will just have to wait a while, so if at any point u can tell which are which, feel free to let me know kiss-ass!!

  • Seedlings in 4" pots with Fox farm Ocean Forest soil.
  • Heat pad underneath Clones and seedlings.
  • Veging under CFL's and T5's
  • 5 gal grow bags w/ half Fox Farm Ocean Forest and half Perlite (Trying new mix).
  • Flowering under 400 watt HPS
  • Mylar surrounding Veg closet and Flower closet.
  • 2 fans in flower closet
  • 1 fan in veg closet
  • Temp is 69 degrees F @night and 79 degress F during Light hours.
  • vent fan in flower closet to expel air. Relative humidity 35%
  • Soon to come CO2 regulator from hyrdo farm. Just need a tank have the reg!
  • Vegetative Growth
    • Fox farm Grow Big
    • Botanicare Organic Pure Blend Pro Grow
  • Flowering
    • Botanicare Pure Blend Organic Pro Bloom
    • Fox Farm Big Bloom
    • Advanced Nutrients Bud Blood (Not organic but only given for first week of flowering and it works Fantastic! (0-39-25)
    • Advanced Nutrients Carbo Load
    • During Flush it gets Brer rabbit unsulphured blackstrap mollasses and GH Flora Clean only!
    • Sub Culture ( every once in a while for some beneficial micro organisms)
As far as the pics go... The small seedlings are The Purps and White Widow... The other plants are in my grow rooms now and i wanted to picture the rooms... so ignore the big plants!

Vegging Room

Flowering Room ^^




Active Member
Hey brotha everything looks very good! Your seeds are lookin very healthy alot more so than mine when I germinated. My only concern at all would be do you how are you ventilating and cooling. I see the ducting in your flower room but do you have anything for the veg closet? Im sure you got that down as well and Im doing something similar as well. But I just keep my closet door open with a fan inside blowing out. Between that and my house AC it stays around 78-80 degrees which is actually good for clones and seeds. Clones like the warmer more humid climate to start out. I also noticed your nodes are very close on a few of the plants. Thats great! Im assuming your running a magnetic ballast as well? (Lines in your pics= magnet messin with your cam) Next grow if you can afford it switch to an electronic ballast. There a bit more efficient and will save you some electricity. I found a lumatek 600w ballast MH/HPS for $188.00 Id say thats damn good. But at the same time if you dont care just keep on keepin on with the magnetic ballast. Everything looks good from what I can see brotha!


Active Member
Cool thanks man!! I have a vent fan in the flower room that runs into the intake for my AC so its sucks the air out pretty well... the veg room doesnt have a vent fan, i just leave the door cracked and there is an 8" fan in there also... I plan to get an electronic ballast at some point tho... However i have been wondering what those lines were in the pics, but that makes a good deal of sense... the magnetic ballast never crossed my mind


Well-Known Member
looks like a good start,all cracked and on the way,the purps will have darker leaves wen thier a foot tal hen yull know.


Active Member
cool bro thanks... the seeds got all mixed together ... Do u know where BC got their purps? is it the mendocino purps? i also am curious how they arent Feminized cuz i thought the real purps were clone only... is it a cross or do u know how they abtained the seeds?


Well-Known Member
cool bro thanks... the seeds got all mixed together ... Do u know where BC got their purps? is it the mendocino purps? i also am curious how they arent Feminized cuz i thought the real purps were clone only... is it a cross or do u know how they abtained the seeds?
i was lookin at reeferman seeds at bc.but all bc seeds look great,jus never grew them


Active Member
ya i know they have a few cups... but the purps is one of my favorite strains, but like i said it was clone only for a long time... so if anyone has any info on were BC bud depot got their purps, please let me know... more pics up tommorrow


Well-Known Member
ya i know they have a few cups... but the purps is one of my favorite strains, but like i said it was clone only for a long time... so if anyone has any info on were BC bud depot got their purps, please let me know... more pics up tommorrow
lookin good bro.are yu gonn a breed any seeds? i think where reeferman seeds got his in medino cali. i think thats the name.i'm doin a purple gro mysef and have querkle ,purple wreck, bluemoonshine.the querkle is the most strongest citrus smell .


Active Member
ya querkel is another one of those low yeilders but got dam that herb is crazy ill... never grown it personally but have smoke 100% organic querkel and its in my top three but still behind the real OG kush... i do want to breed actuallly! i think that would be an amazing hybrid... im sure there is already one somewhere, lol... But they did get the mendocino purps? i have never personally tried the mendocino purps, just the normal purps so if thats case im pretty stoked


Well-Known Member
i hear ya.if yurs come out good i'm orderin,lol.my querkle is haf and haf nutes/organic, but my are actually doing well at mid flowering . lots of thc and wonderful odor.we'll see if reg nutes in the mix and my sugar daddy mix will put some yielding size and weight on them,hopefully.


Active Member
ya i use all organics except big bud and bud blood from advanced nutrients... all my other nutes are organic... u know what helps a lot is advanced nutrients carbo load with a little mollasses... really imcreases resin production and helps give the plants energy... im a believer in carbo load... it works better then all the other stuff ive used like sweet... becuase it works a little better and doesnt add flavor like sweet... i use the powder carbo load and love it... if u do some breeding and i get do too then we may have to do a swap or somethin if ur up 4 it....


Well-Known Member
ya i use all organics except big bud and bud blood from advanced nutrients... all my other nutes are organic... u know what helps a lot is advanced nutrients carbo load with a little mollasses... really imcreases resin production and helps give the plants energy... im a believer in carbo load... it works better then all the other stuff ive used like sweet... becuase it works a little better and doesnt add flavor like sweet... i use the powder carbo load and love it... if u do some breeding and i get do too then we may have to do a swap or somethin if ur up 4 it....
i use a 9-50-30 with sugar daddy which is a super carb towards mid flowering and ching chang .


Active Member
ya? so then u dont do organic right? the cha ching isnt right? it will be a bit for new pics i broke my phone, so that means no camera


Well-Known Member
Did you have any burn problems on the seedlings using straight fox farms ocean forest & perlite? I heard this would burn the sensitive white widow seedlings. Then again ocean forest is the most widely used soil.


Active Member
Did you have any burn problems on the seedlings using straight fox farms ocean forest & perlite? I heard this would burn the sensitive white widow seedlings. Then again ocean forest is the most widely used soil.
not at all! they are doing really well!! i used the fox farm large grain perlite... 2 perlite to 1 soil on a few and 3 parts perlite 1 part soil on the others... just to see which works better... the bottom 4-5 inches in all containers is just perlite to promote good drainage... my phone broke with my camera so i fdont have any... but i will soon, hopefully!


Active Member
used an old phone i forgot i had to get some pics up... also i wanted to note that the top four inches of the pots is a higher soil to perlite ratio then the rest of the containers ( 3 gal grow bags) to hold moisture and release it more slowly to the rest of the pot with a higher perlite to soil ratio, for drainage... havent tried this method yet but it sounds good in theory... anyways here are some pics...


