New Old Strains


Active Member
If you had to pick a strain that has been out for years and still is a "Keeper", what would it be?

Pure Power? Northern lights?


Well-Known Member
ak ak ak ak ak ak ak motherfucking 47 wat a smell orgasmic taste mellow smilie high i like it a little bit lol

Brick Top

New Member
Dalat, Acapulco Gold, Colombian Gold, Panama Red, Malawi Gold .. but most if not all of those were popular and then vanished well before most members of this site and other similar sites were nothing more than the gleam in the eye of two strangers at a Motley Crew concert.


Active Member
Yeah, by old I ment 20+ years. I know there are some great wonder strains out, but looking for input on the "Keepers".


Well-Known Member
I will have to check into those. Thank you for the input.
Without doubt, pure lumbo's and hazes..le creme. Some Colombian Blacks, Golds, Punto Rojo, Haze's. Nothing finer, imho.

Peace, HHF



Active Member
Pure Lumbo? Once again my ignoance shows. I have never heard of that strain.

Oh, to have those classic strains and introduce some first rate medical genes into them. Let's be honest.. In the past the THC content was lower. Years and years of breeding, both bad and good, have increased the "base" THC level in all strains.


My favorite Old strain is Colombian Gold, Panama Red, Acapulco Gold, and Maui of course. Loved the 60s and 70s back when you could buy a lid (Ounce) or a four finger bag of Colombian Gold for $25......I smoked my first joint over Led Zeppelin in 1968 most of you weren't even born...... You think ak47 is a old strain?