hey man that is nice, from what i can see. let me ask you a question, i see that it looks like you are growing your plant untopped, am i correct. well if i am or not my query is: if i were to put a screen over my plants, how would i set it up, as far as distance over plants, when they grow do i thread the growing branches THROUGH the screen or let them run under the screen or what. the reason i'm asking is because i never topped anything before this last run. i ended up loving the way everything was able to get light almost everywhere, BUT i hated having to tie everything up because the buds were getting too heavy. and even with them being tied up they still didn't want to stay in one place, so every move that was made had brances swinging everywhere. and the other reason is because i saw how much more light can be distributed, and if the smaller buds could grow bigger if exposed to more light by being on the screen, instead of being partially shaded, then i need to know how to do that. so in your opinion is that the best way to grow? as far as yeild and sq. footage are concerned. what i mean by that is, if i had ten plants growing in the regular christmas tree fashion versus ten plants under a screen, which be be the bigger yeilder. just your opinion. thanks dude, maybe one day when my grow room grows up it'll be just like yours,LOL.
P.S. got me a 250wt hps ballast, mogul, reflector, and a 256cfm dayton squirrel cage blower for $120 on craigslist today so this weekend my mother cabinet is getting made. i think that this is all i need to solidify my perpetual grow, because now i can have my mothers growing providing fresh cuttings to go in the clone cabinet two weeks before my plants in the veg closet go out to flower. man i am sooooo excited!!!!