It's almost harvest! looking for predictions


Active Member
Hello everyone,

So my backyard garden is full of flowers and a few weeks away from harvest. I started countying the buds individually on a plant when it was like one week into flowering figuring maybe if each little nug turned into a gram by the time it was ready to harvest I could estimate how much bud I'd get from that plant. I'm thinking I'll get easily a pound I counted about 200 nugs on half of the plant. But I was hoping someone would have some pics of one of their outdoor plants that was around this time of the year or a few weeks into flowering and tell me how much they got from it so I could compare.

I'm at work right now but when I get home I'll see if I can go take some pics and we can all guestimate!!!!


Active Member
Right!!!! ...23 lbs! lol
I have searched the engines and honestly only find people with the like either 6ft wide and at least 6 ft tall plants that yield minimum 5 lbs. I only have one of those in my garden, and I'm just interested to see if anyone has some pics of plants that look very close to mine. I want pics more than opinions.

I found a lot of people talking about how much they get indoors. and 90% of the answers to my questions on the engines are 4 ounces per plant.... thats like YEAH!!! RIGHT!!! I wouldn't waste my time for 4 ounces.


Well-Known Member
lol when your plants got about a month left you'll prolly be that guy askin if its time to harvest, and how much total you will get...o wait your already askin how much you'll get. j/k


Active Member

it's people like you that are shit heads... lol. seriously though. Either you are very unaware of the tone you are sending with your post, or you really do think that everyone asking a simple question is not as smart as you... What gave you the belief that I wouldn't know when to pick my buds to ahcieve my desired high/potency/weight, and how to cure to achieve effiecency and highest quality. Probably more of your assumptions that your smarter than everyone. Ever heard that assume makes an ass out of u and me. Well you just proved that really it only makes an ass out of u.

Bro you should be getting a minimum 5 lbs per plant at that size. Something isn't right. And I'm talking from the experience of my garden and many others that I have seen. Usually the number 1 reason I have seen for smaller producing plants is being under watered. Its a shame so many people recommend that you dont' need to water ever day, or recommend much less water then the plant can take. I have always given my plants a minimum 2 gallons a day, and maximum 6 gallons a day. at 3-4 gallons per day for a consistent week or two I can see the buds swelling with water weight. And I have yet to experience a difference in potency or anything other then size and weight when using didfferent amounts of water. I do use a lot more vermicomposting and home made tea then most would though because of how often and how much water used.


Well-Known Member
I'm 54 years old and have been growing this shit 30 years......6x6 plant is my avg size. Wet harvest could be 5 pounds, I have never bothered to weigh it. I cure the buds and 20 oz's is the max I have ever gotten. I water 3-4 times a day also. I live in Northern Cal and sell my shit to dispensary's.


Active Member
I'm 54 years old and have been growing this shit 30 years......6x6 plant is my avg size. Wet harvest could be 5 pounds, I have never bothered to weigh it. I cure the buds and 20 oz's is the max I have ever gotten. I water 3-4 times a day also. I live in Northern Cal and sell my shit to dispensary's.

Unfortunately I don't know what to tell you then. Cuz we are in the exact same boat minus age and years of experience. I wish I had the time to help you figure out whats wrong but with kids and living life I just don't.

But hey at least we can all be grateful that the more dispensaires are starting to have us fill out our w-9 and following through with the 1099 so that we don't have to worry about laundering! You're still making money at that rate. And my guess is that at 54 years old and doing it as long as you have you have a legit dr. your buddy buddy with who has increased your plant limit! Happy growing man, don't get too bummed at my statements, there just my opinions. and remember like assholes, we all have one.


Active Member
I have an 8 fter in a 5 gallon pot, it drinks 4 gallons/day everyday.
Budart said in another post "dont listen to people who tell you to use bloom ferts" .

Try it out you will double what you usually get.

High P & k is key for flowering... I'm not a pro but it gets better every year!

kinda like Rick Flair...............Whoooooooooooo !!


Well-Known Member
Post some pics otherwise we would all just be guessing. For a 6X6 plant I would hope for at least 2lbs...


Well-Known Member
So This stuff, even though after smoking my weight in ganja, I still get ripped:clap:on one hit and the buds are sometime as fat as baseball bats and the yield on hash is top of the line...I could do better????
I don't use chemicals......I use guano tea and molasses...I bet mine tastes better



Active Member
ralston...agreed :) when I get home I will do so.

You're doing fine man, 8 ft is great and gettign better is all that matters. I would def. recommend brewing your own tea. you can get vermicomposting bins that create worm juice or if you add proper amount of dry stuff to it you will just get a very dark black righ muddy high in minerals and enzymes soil. don't use it by itself though the roots won't be able to breathe, its too muddy, but its a great top dressing, or just to mix it in. And it's also very eco friendly, your disposing of most of your waists and recycling them into your garden vs. going to the landfill. And when you brew your own teas, they are OMG!!!! so much cheaper, and just as effective. Just look up some like tea recipes, and I always add molasses to my tea because I believe it does a damn good job of feeding the microbes.


New Member
dont worry about it man i asked the same question... itr is hard to not know how muich weed you will get but dont worry if you hasve 200 nugsw yuor going to be fine... just remember.. if you have a 10 gram bud that aint dried... it will end up being about 2.5 grams after yuor dry it...


Active Member
yeah guano is great, I'm thinking of trying to find some bat caves in the mountains and harvesting it myself to save even more money, plus that would be one hell of a story :)


Well-Known Member
yeah, i don't know you or where you work, but as a precaution I strongly suggest not entering this website using "work" internet service providers.... just a thought....


Active Member
yeah, i don't know you or where you work, but as a precaution I strongly suggest not entering this website using "work" internet service providers.... just a thought....
I know I had a very major fear of it at one point too, but I have been for past couple months and no worries. I delete my history, cookies, and temp files multiple times a day. and I don't see my boss having one of those programs that spys on what you're doing. but is there somethign you know that I don't, cuz that would be such a funny convo if they did catch me lol