HELP --- My clones are wilting


Please help.

I picked up 3 AK-47 clones yesterday. I threw them in a plastic flat with the clear plastic dome deal over them. I have them under a 250w metal halide lamp. I'm sure I had the lamp too close. I had it at about 8 inches (it was all the space I had available) above the top of the clones. I had them under the lamp for about 2 hours. I just looked and they are all wilted over badly. I moved the lamp up to about 4 feet over the clones.

Are they going to come back? Should I turn the light off for a while? Do I need to take the cover off?

Please, let me know what I should do. I just finally got these and don't want to ruin them already.




Active Member
Please help.

I picked up 3 AK-47 clones yesterday. I threw them in a plastic flat with the clear plastic dome deal over them. I have them under a 250w metal halide lamp. I'm sure I had the lamp too close. I had it at about 8 inches (it was all the space I had available) above the top of the clones. I had them under the lamp for about 2 hours. I just looked and they are all wilted over badly. I moved the lamp up to about 4 feet over the clones.

Are they going to come back? Should I turn the light off for a while? Do I need to take the cover off?

Please, let me know what I should do. I just finally got these and don't want to ruin them already.



Your plants need air dude-- make sure they have air or they will die...

Good luck

Old Frog

Well-Known Member
Your plants need air dude-- make sure they have air or they will die...

Good luck
Second that. Cut a hole in that dome ASAP. They need air bad bad. Also, check the moisture level of their medium. They will not grow any faster with the light so close. Keep the light on though. Pics?:o


I have the top of the lid propped up right now with a fan blowing around to circulate air. The lamp is about 4 feet above the clones. They are cuttings and I saw the first sign of roots this morning, but they are by no means well established. I"ll add some water to the medium and cut a whole in the dome. I just saw them for the first time in 2 hours. They don't really look better, but they also are not looking any worse. So hopefully they'll come back up. Damn it.

I have family in town, so I can't take any pictures right now. Once they go to bed I'll take pics and post them.

Thanks so far,



Well-Known Member
Too much light. I usually use 1 23 watt cfl for anywhere from 10-30 clones. I saw this new cloning product at my local growshop the other day. Well, may not be new, but I've never seen it there. The guy kept building it up to be a foolproof method of propagation. Just thought I'd throw that out there, stoned and rambling. Hope you get'em straightened out.


Thanks. Okay, so I agree I might have to use a smaller light. I'm having trouble getting the temp under 80. I just have a fan on them for right now, the ventilation system will be hooked up in a day or two. The problem is my wifes family showed up today, so I need to be discreet. So I could just stick a flourescent light in there and it would be alright?

They are still not looking much better, but still not worse. I gave them extra water, but I don't think that was an issue, and I keep moving the light further back. It back about 5 feet now, which is as far back as I can go. In the morning I can get a fluorescent light to throw in there.

Next question. I've had the light on them for only about ten hours today, so it should be on for another 8 hours still. I really don't want to lose my clones though. So...would I do more damage to them by having them in the dark for the next 12 hours? I was thinking maybe if I at least turned the light off I could get the temp down and it would help them.

Anyone have an opinion on this, whether having a 12/12 cycle for one day would hurt week old clones?

Thanks all


Thanks. Okay, so I agree I might have to use a smaller light. I'm having trouble getting the temp under 80. I just have a fan on them for right now, the ventilation system will be hooked up in a day or two. The problem is my wifes family showed up today, so I need to be discreet. So I could just stick a flourescent light in there and it would be alright?

They are still not looking much better, but still not worse. I gave them extra water, but I don't think that was an issue, and I keep moving the light further back. It back about 5 feet now, which is as far back as I can go. In the morning I can get a fluorescent light to throw in there.

Next question. I've had the light on them for only about ten hours today, so it should be on for another 8 hours still. I really don't want to lose my clones though. So...would I do more damage to them by having them in the dark for the next 12 hours? I was thinking maybe if I at least turned the light off I could get the temp down and it would help them.

Anyone have an opinion on this, whether having a 12/12 cycle for one day would hurt week old clones?

Thanks all
I have spent the last three weeks cloning like a fucking mad man. You name it and I fucked it up. There is no mistake I did not make over the last 21 days.

Now I'm like a cloning mother fucking Ninja, unstoppable. I can clone the lowest branch that contains the highest level of plant hormone all the way to the top that was cut when I topped my plant.

Now I'm going to give you the wisdom that you seek young grasshopper.

Are you ready?

Get ready.

Here it comes.


Personally my favorite is 72.5 degrees. And get that 250w HID light at least 4 feet away from your plants; too much light too soon. Ease into it. Think of cloning like banging a girl with a tight pussy and you have a 10 and 3/8" inch cock thick as a Monster Energy can; slow and easy. I would go 6 feet away on those lights and then gradually bring the light closer each day.


Thanks man. I have gotten the temp down to 78, the light is now 6 feet up. I pulled them out of the chamber and they are now in my bedroom. Not sure how I'm going to sleep with that damn light going in there, but at least the light is farther away. So it's coming down, and it's cooling off outside now, so they should be down to a good temp in the next hour. I see why everyone told me to be sure I get my ventilation set up before I started my grow. I think I'll by an inline fan tomorrow.

Once I get the ventilation going, do you think the 250w lamp will be too much still for clones? I was only going to be able to give them about 10 inches of heat space, but with good ventilation. Should I switch to fluorescent for my veg room? I have a 400w HPS that I plan to use for flower in a chamber that is about 56 inches high, and about 25 x 30" square. Even with good ventilation, would this 400 be too much? I could go fluorescent for the veg chamber and 250 for flower? you think my plants are going to come back? Or am I screwed?


Well-Known Member
I will provide some hope for ya. I took 5 clones about a week ago. Had the dome on them while bottom heating with the mat. I left for a couple hours came back and my temp was 95 in there. I wanted to cry. They look like ass but 3 of them are rooting. I gave them a foil feeding the other day perked up up a lil. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
For what it's worth, you don't really need that much light. You need to keep the temps down and the humidity high. I'd also skip the hole in the dome. As long as you lift the dome off once a day you'll be fine.


Thanks man. I have gotten the temp down to 78, the light is now 6 feet up. I pulled them out of the chamber and they are now in my bedroom. Not sure how I'm going to sleep with that damn light going in there, but at least the light is farther away. So it's coming down, and it's cooling off outside now, so they should be down to a good temp in the next hour. I see why everyone told me to be sure I get my ventilation set up before I started my grow. I think I'll by an inline fan tomorrow.

Once I get the ventilation going, do you think the 250w lamp will be too much still for clones? I was only going to be able to give them about 10 inches of heat space, but with good ventilation. Should I switch to fluorescent for my veg room? I have a 400w HPS that I plan to use for flower in a chamber that is about 56 inches high, and about 25 x 30" square. Even with good ventilation, would this 400 be too much? I could go fluorescent for the veg chamber and 250 for flower? you think my plants are going to come back? Or am I screwed?
78 degrees you say? Three more degrees and you will be there. I'm not kidding about the 75 degree mark. I had several clones that were 15 days old that were wilted the entire time. As soon as I brought my temperatures down they stood up withing a few hours. Now I'm experiencing almost zero wilting.

Stick with the 18 hours of light and use the CFL you mentioned to bring temperatures down. But then again if you are 5 feet away then the heat reaching your plants is probably minimal and not material. I would also blast the AC throughout the house. 72 degrees. Give the in-laws extra blankets or shut the vents to their room.

Foiler feeding won't help you. It's the roots that need to be kept cool. But foiler feeding will put a light mist of water on the plants and by circulating air that will help cool the area as the water evaporates.

First I cloned in Rapid Rooter cubes and all the clones crashed. Looked like a semi ran them over. So I blamed Rapid Rooter for making a shitty product. Then I used Rockwool Grow Cubes and the exact same thing happened. Next I built a cloner and it was at this time that I came across the importance of root temperature. So I dropped the temperature on the Rapid Rooter and Rockwool plugs and they all popped up like a raging hard-on and that's after 15 days of wilting. My new clones you ask? Lets just say that one wilted for an hour or two. A huge improvement.

Look at the videos of people who use cloners. They are not foiler feeding their plants or putting a dome over them. In fact they are focusing on one thing, the roots; wet and cold just like my ex-girlfriend.

68-75 degrees.


I already have a hole in the dome now. I started spraying them with a little water to try to keep the humidity down, but allowing for a good exchange of air. I have the temp down, it's not ideal yet, but is in the reasonable range. Got my fingers crossed that they make it. Problem is I got them 2 days earlier than I was hoping. Two days from now everything should be set.

Does anyone has recommendations for a foliar spray?

With proper ventilation, will my 250w lamp be okay for my veg room, or would I be better off to go with a lower wattage light?

Thanks to all


I already have a hole in the dome now. I started spraying them with a little water to try to keep the humidity down, but allowing for a good exchange of air. I have the temp down, it's not ideal yet, but is in the reasonable range. Got my fingers crossed that they make it. Problem is I got them 2 days earlier than I was hoping. Two days from now everything should be set.

Does anyone has recommendations for a foliar spray?

With proper ventilation, will my 250w lamp be okay for my veg room, or would I be better off to go with a lower wattage light?

Thanks to all

What are your clones in, Rockwool?


Does anyone has recommendations for a foliar spray?
I use a blend of AN Jumpstart and DM Penetrator once a day. Every 4-5 days I add some Einstien oil (neem oil) in the mix and use warm water.

With proper ventilation, will my 250w lamp be okay for my veg room, or would I be better off to go with a lower wattage light?
From my understanding, not much light is needed until the girls have roots... You want them to focus on getting feet before they continue foliar growth.

Also, I was taught to give cuts 24 hours of light until veg. Is there a benefit to giving cuts a dark period? Thnx


Update: One of my clones is completely upright and back to normal, and the other two are standing up and getting close! We survived the night!

I just barely have rooting starting in the cubes. Should I add something like AN Jumpstart like JSNTexas mentioned?

I'll have pics soon.


Here are a few pictures of my situation. The first is a picture of all 3 of my clones under the 250w HID. When I went to bed last night all three clones looked like the last one in this picture.

The second pic is the best looking clone. It stood up over night and almost looks back to normal.

Picture 3 and 4 are the two that I am still really worried about. The second one looks better than the 3rd, but not by much.

I have the lamp us as high as I can get it in the space, and have a fan blowing in there for air circulation. Anything else I should be doing?

