Estrogen when germinating ?

Im looking to getting my first house and subsequent grow and I was in the local bookstore checking out their surprisingly good selection of grow books. So I come across the book :
Cannabis Cultivator: A Step-by-Step Guide to Growing Marijuana By Jeff Ditchfield

So Im reading through it and come across a tip that if you dilute "a female estrogen pill in 50ml of water" and germinate your seeds with this concoction it will increase you ratio of female seeds. Is there any truth to this ?



Well-Known Member
Im looking to getting my first house and subsequent grow and I was in the local bookstore checking out their surprisingly good selection of grow books. So I come across the book :
Cannabis Cultivator: A Step-by-Step Guide to Growing Marijuana By Jeff Ditchfield

So Im reading through it and come across a tip that if you dilute "a female estrogen pill in 50ml of water" and germinate your seeds with this concoction it will increase you ratio of female seeds. Is there any truth to this ?

I've looked at a couple of these "tricks" (I tried using a banana peel during germination) and none make much of a difference. I think that it's more of a wishful thinking kind of thing. If you don't want to mess with sexing and pulling males, just buy some feminized seeds.


Well-Known Member
Don't mind me, I just enjoy watching ppl kick dead horses..

(I gotta make that SouthPark scene with Jared into an animated gif)

The Wookie

Active Member
dont know if it works fer sure. Prior to germination I presoaked my seeds in a solution of birth control pill and water. I figure it cant hurt to give the young plant some estrogen to try and influence females


Active Member
i tried the banana peel as well load of shit and as for the estrogen you dont want your mj to grow a set of tits


Well-Known Member
Cannabis Cultivator: A Step-by-Step Guide to Growing marijuana By Jeff Ditchfield

What utter bullshit! The only thing this proves, is that anyone can write a book!