

Active Member
Got a issue here Id like some advice on..

I went out to my Plants today, and there they are, layed on there sides wind blown, from a light rain and winds. Next year im putting them near some protection.
Anyways, while im straghtening it all out. I noticed one of them stems was missing, only 4'' remained to it. the whole cola was gone. It was one of the main colas on the plant, so that pisses me off... And what do I think a Deer?,person?
So now im paranoid that if i leave them for the 1 more week that I planned, it will be all gone. And if i pick them now, they are 1 week less potent, and have been flushed for only a week as of now, but it has been raining good all week. Anyone want to share there opinion on what I should do? Wait im taking a chance that it wasnt a deer, dont wait, and its only been flushed a week.

Will a week make that big of a diference in quality??


Active Member
FYI its on private property bout 100yrds from the road, the camp owners are from chicago and are not up. so that may also help the decisions


Well-Known Member
Did the stems look to be cut? or did you see teeth marks, like chewing marks.
Can deer get high by eating ? Thats fu*ked up that goodies are gone, I would rather that the deer ate them then some asshole jacking them.
I can just imagine some deer all torr up walking around in the forest triping out. :)
Got any pics.?


Well-Known Member
I was just thinking>
If it was deer I saw this movie and they human hair around the area that they didn't want the deer to go into. I don't know if this works, but it kind of makes sence. Deer can smell humans and wouldn't want to go in that area.
Just a thought.


Active Member
I can get some pics. its hard to say, the green layer was tattered around the "cut" it didnt look like teeth, nor did it look like it was cut. although, it seemed to me on one side of the cut, it was a straght cut, and the back end was kinda like it was broke. so almost like a person maybe cut halfway through the stem, then snaped it off.. its hard to believe it was a deer, cuz wouldnt they just eat the tops? not go along the side of the plant (which is small cuz theres a dead tree laying to the right of them, only leaveing about 1ft, between it and the plant) and bite off the whole damn stalk only leaveing 4inches. seems like they woulda eaten something from the front of the plant, and the top. and if it liked it so damn much why didnt it eat more!. I was hopeing it would be laying around there someplace, but wasnt.

Guess my main questions would be. if i harvested now. will only being flushed for 1 week be good enough? its been raining everyother day all week. and will it reduce its potency significantly? or no


Well-Known Member
Ive had deet eat my flowering plants and they never eat the buds they just eat the leaves. I had one were the deer basically trimmed all the leaves for me lol. So ya you must of got jacked... I would pick the rest before its ALL gone. A week early isnt bad at all anyways...and they are flushed enough from the rain


New Member
id cut those ladies as an experienced grower raised around atlanta ga, I can say you were just jacked. deer eat and if they like it they eat more, they dont eat the top COLA then decide they dont like it. and they can eat a whole plant in one sitting if they have a high enough tolerance.


Active Member
id cut those ladies as an experienced grower raised around atlanta ga, I can say you were just jacked. deer eat and if they like it they eat more, they dont eat the top COLA then decide they dont like it. and they can eat a whole plant in one sitting if they have a high enough tolerance.

Yeah man thats what i was thinking, if it started eating it, and didnt like it, why would it eat the whole thing, and if it DID like it, then why not eat it all... so, harvest now??


New Member
how big is the lady? any chance in hell of transplant or is she too large? if not your going to have to harvest or suffer the chance of being jacked totally. they may come back too see if you left it, hoping you would thinking it was an animal....... but THEY left it to finish for 2 weeks lol.


Active Member
fuuckk man. BASTARDS! gotta mess my shit up.. now i cant find a damn flashlight to go out there. man this sux, but your right, if i took the chance and lost it all, id burn all the local camps down, hopeing one of them was his!