Roll It Up Isalnd!


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the United States of Getting High!

Wouldn't it be AWESOME to start our own country somewhere. On some bad ass tropical island.

1Lb buds and pre-rolled blunts would grow on trees! Everyone would be stoned, no wars, no problems, just good times and relaxation!

What wouyd you bring to RIU Isle?

Myself and my family...

its in the constitution and quite patriotic to sucede from the U S of A and form our own Sovereignly stoned nation....... lets do it! all we gotta do is pool all our money and buy California ;)


Well-Known Member
What about all the people already IN Cali? Like myself....
Im already in Cali!!! :) can't we share??? Im pretty sure MOST of the people here would welcome the change..... and all the others we can break down and turn into composted blood and bone meal....

im in........what we tlkin here ? a mill per person??
Sounds bout right.....

Im good for it

Anyone else???

Im just gunna get a loan from citi group..... once the state is ours and we sucede..... US money won't be good anymore.... And.... I won't have to pay back the loan ;) .......

thats following the same logic as us RIU'ers buying Cali anyways ;)


New Member

Im just gunna get a loan from citi group..... once the state is ours and we sucede..... US money won't be good anymore.... And.... I won't have to pay back the loan ;) .......

thats following the same logic as us RIU'ers buying Cali anyways ;)

hahahah!! banana we come!!!


Calyx LED
We need to steal California. Break it off from the US and push it out in the middle of the ocean somewhere. That's where RUI Island is located, haha.

We all need to purchase flippers to swim that bitch out to sea... we should go to Costco, buy in bulk, lmao.