Best germination method


Well-Known Member

I'm about to germinate my second batch and I'm just wanting some opinions on the best ways of doing this. I had a few hiccups with the old paper towel method last time, i tried the leaving them in water for a couple of days and it worked really well but something seems off about doing it that way.


Well-Known Member
well you could lay the seed on the dirt or whatever your medium is and just water it until it cracks open then push it d.own into you medium bout a half inch.


Well-Known Member
you can just plant up seeds directly into pots and germinate them in soil or whatever. Also there are rockwool/peat cubes/pellets which also work just fine. However, I've tried them all and I always have a higher success rate with the paper towel method.


Well-Known Member
if your dealing with bag seed you'll almost never get 100 percent germ. oh and if the seed crushes when you lightly pinch it toss it, i pinch all my seeds first


Well-Known Member
thanks, tried the pinch thing - decided to go with the paper towel again just coz it seems to be the most popular. does it take much longer if you germ them in the soil??


Well-Known Member
for best results use one or two drops of hydrogen peroxide and half a cup of water and drop ur beans in there. they should pop over night.

I use a folded paper towel inside a ziplock bag inside of some light proof container. IMO the key is getting the right consistent temp. Shoot for around 80F


Well-Known Member
ive also heard of putting them in the paper towel then ziplock wrap in foil and have it in your pocket for the day use your body temp, ive done this before worked quite well, kinda felt like a mother carrying aroung my babies, but i was a noob and they all died :( sad day.... lol


Well-Known Member
Paper towels are for people who know Fuck all about growing, get jiffy pellets and put your seeds into them then put the jiffy pellets into a propogator. Put them in a dark place and they will come through in time. My last batch of seeds were above soil within 2 days of planting. What is the point in paper towels? They mean you have to handle the seed with the taproot exposed and prone to damage. Fuck that good seeds cost money, may as well give them the best. 100 percent germ success so far using this method.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Always use pure water

1. Soak them overnight ( stir the next day and most will sink)

2. Place in-between moist paper towels (or the equivalent)

3. Place in a warm place (I like the back of the TV set - don't spill!)

4. Check them 2-3 times a day - as soon as you see the taproot emerging, plant it 3/8" deep in your soil (root down).

5. keep the medium moist (not wet)


Well-Known Member
Anyone who says "This is the best germination method" is making a very bold statement. The best method is whatever works for you. I use the paper towel method because it's worked for me for almost three years. My buddy swears by soaking them for 24 hours in water and then planting them. If it works for you, it's all good.

I'm using the paper towel method right now (see White Rhino grow in sig) and will be checking the seeds tonight. Any seeds that haven't sprouted, well then I'll try soaking them overnight in water and then planting them.


New Member
Cheers cris, the advice on germination was spot on mate. Have done 2 lots of 10 seeds in the Jiffy plugs and had 20 come through, most of them within 3 days of planting. So thanks very much, you have saved me time and money in fucked seeds. No more messing about with paper towels for me! Cheers mate. Geo


Well-Known Member
Depends on my time frame. If I'm in a hurry, I'll use the paper towel in a bag method. Usually just put them in moist medium and let nature handle the rest.


Well-Known Member
Billions of years of evolution can't be wrong. Put them into some soil and watch mother nature take care of the rest.


Well-Known Member
i've killed more seeds than i would like to think about until i found rapid rooters.


Well-Known Member
soak in water in a dark area for 24hr and then plant in dirt.. keep it nateral as possable jus like nature... many will tell u "paper towel" method but i disagree.. sure it works great but as ur root grows it develops lil microscopic hairs that grow into the towel which get ripped off when removing ur seed from the towel which in turn causes stress... stress can lead to lotsa bad things like shitty growth, hermies or death... paper towels can also create mold... or if u can get ur hands on them rapid rooters like u see above in ludas post... also a heat mat or the bak of the TV and a humidor till they sprout... good luck