Pheno Hunt Test Run 2x4


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There are these two twin plants that are both mutated, they are Delhi Friend x Garlic Breath. They both just formed cotyledons from the start that mere a banana Taffy yellow color when all the other plants were green, then these two started to get purple veins going through the cotyledons and the first set of leaves. Once I back the light off and let them dry out one of the popped out the second set of leaves that are green. And the one that has new growth the cotyledons went from yellow to purple, then back to yellow. The other one that is behind it still has solid purple cotyledons but I can see new growth forming.



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This is a Garlic Breath x Garlic Breath Triploid. It had three cotyledons and now popped three true leafs. It already smells like the cured bud when I touch it


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This is another Delhi Friend x Garlic Breath mutant. Like those other two purple ones it is similar but different. This one had the purple/yellow cotyledon but wasn't growing any leafs. Once I backed the light off and dried it out, it formed a tiny new growth that grew right through the cotyledon like a piercing in its center. It started growing under the cotyledon then through it and up out the top lol....
Another weird one with those Indian genes


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This is a trippy Garlic Breath x Garlic Breath. It formed both cotyledons next to each other like two cars parked at Walmart door to door side by side. Then the first set of leaves is also side by side on one side the next set is starting to be side by side one spot over lol
It also has the purple veins through the cotyledons and first set of leaves...


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This is the best healthiest plant in the tent it was a Desconocida Kush x Garlic Breath. It is around 30 days old but because of being stunted and old seeds it is still this small but has 4-5 sets of true leafs, I don't think it could stretch because I had the light too close and was basically drowning it


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