12/12 from seed


Well-Known Member
thanks i'm looking forward i also wonder if my harvest time will be reduced as well i was hoping to cut out 2 or 3 weeks i wanna harvest when trics are milky instead or amber


im dong 12/12 from seed when is it going to show sign of its sex it has 5 nodes and thier pre flowers r out i also topped it


Well-Known Member
I had 6 seedlings, about 5 days old, when I had to toss 5 of them (see my disaster topic)...but, one of them I was rushing as an experiment. After being on a 24 hour light regime for about 3 days (till I could see indications of the first set of fan leaves developing in the middle, the seedling and single blade leaves are already spread)....so after those 3 days, I put it on a 12/12 cycle. While it was on the other side of my room, in a drawer, I had an incident with a CFL breaking and compromising my plants more than Id like to risk. I believe "C" as I labeled it, should be okay. Anyway, now instead of a grow box in a grow room, I have him just under a 6500k 26w (100equiv) light on my desk :D This way I can talk to it, play it music, etc. I figure once I start to see some hairs and indicators of some bud, I'll switch to a red spectrum like 2700k 60w (150equiv). Using some mild nutes too. It's in a small plastic bathroom cup (2" wide by 3" high), with a drainage kinda setup I created. I plan on keeping it in that cup as long as possible, LSTing it around the cup. If before it starts to flower it outgrows the circumfrence of the cup, I'll move it to a 6" pot.


Well-Known Member
I had 6 seedlings, about 5 days old, when I had to toss 5 of them (see my disaster topic)...but, one of them I was rushing as an experiment. After being on a 24 hour light regime for about 3 days (till I could see indications of the first set of fan leaves developing in the middle, the seedling and single blade leaves are already spread)....so after those 3 days, I put it on a 12/12 cycle. While it was on the other side of my room, in a drawer, I had an incident with a CFL breaking and compromising my plants more than Id like to risk. I believe "C" as I labeled it, should be okay. Anyway, now instead of a grow box in a grow room, I have him just under a 6500k 26w (100equiv) light on my desk :D This way I can talk to it, play it music, etc. I figure once I start to see some hairs and indicators of some bud, I'll switch to a red spectrum like 2700k 60w (150equiv). Using some mild nutes too. It's in a small plastic bathroom cup (2" wide by 3" high), with a drainage kinda setup I created. I plan on keeping it in that cup as long as possible, LSTing it around the cup. If before it starts to flower it outgrows the circumfrence of the cup, I'll move it to a 6" pot.
First off one 26w bulb isn't enough to do didly quat even with one plant from seed to bud 12/12...the yield will likely be .3 if not less haha i suggest about 3 CFL's for the plant or atleast 80-100w..