Passing out a considerable amount in your life


Active Member
it happens to me all the time i dont know the reason but it happens to every stoner at least once in their life but to me especially for some reason Ive been smoking for 5 years (thats everyday i dont count when it was like once a week)but thats happened to me atleast 700 times hahahaha wow thats alot once i actually say it but ya i just get really light headed and lose my motor functions and just fall so if this does happen to you alot like me (i sometimes even have a seizure when this happens) don't worry about it just try and sit down when you feel it happening and for Gods sake hope your not going down stairs cause that happened to me about 3 times i ate so much shit and once while skating (that was a fun day) and try to make your tounge go away from your teeth if you have a seizure like i do sometimes cause you will bite it off

does this happen to anyone as much as it does to me and if it does im glad im not alone
but remember this happens to me almost every session but i can control it now i just feel it then sit down and wait for it to go but if you dont do something to stop it you pass out quik but the longest i was out was like 4-6 minutes

is there anyone else with this problem well not problem i enjoy it now actually hahaha my friend told me thats what salvia is like but ive yet to try salvia


hey grungbuk,

i have a problem with passing out when i get really high too... i have no idea what causes it and i really want to find out so i dont have it happen again. i had it happen about 3 years ago then year later. both times i passed out and seizured but snapped out of it right after. last night i felt like it was gonnna happen again freaked out and had to leave my buddies house. i guess i just get too high and cant handle it.


Well-Known Member
um, not sure if its occured to either of you, but you might wana c ur doctor. its not good if ur passing out all the time, u mite be diabetic, or epilectic or something.


Well-Known Member
do you have narcolepsy by chance? i would refrain from smoking untill you talk to a doctor

and im sure i dont have to tell you this, but dont smoke and drive ever


Well-Known Member
try keeping sum candy, or sugary drinks (orange juice) around. the herb lowers sugar levels, which can make you pass out/ seizure when too low, so this just might help next time you smoke the herb.


Well-Known Member
the only reason i know the herb lowers sugar levels, is cuz im diabetic, and after many years of smokin, i finally figured out why i would feel like shit after gettin blazed... but the munchies usually got rid of the problem lol

so i would either eat before, or keep oj with me when i smoked.. nothin worse than havin sumtin fuk up ur high.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
depending on what kind of diabetic the person might be, sugars could really help
I meant that if their blood sugar was low because of an underlying problem and smoking made their blood sugar drop even lower, the real problem would be the diabetes or some other disorder that would cause lower blood sugar. You're right that in that situation sugar would help

Straight Sativa

Well-Known Member
Maybe it's just a whitey dude. I've had whitey's where ive passed out before mostly from smoking and then being dehydrated. I always try to drink something after smoking if i feel one coming on whether it be water, juice or soda.

Just a suggestion