switched to 12-12, now problems


So i Switched to 12-12 last Saturday 2 months into my grow since my plants seemed to slow down their growth. The slow growth was most likely due to size of plants but i kind of wanted to try growing and producing from small plants and pots. Anyways now that i switched theyre getting all droopy and look as if they were over watered but they definitely arent. I wait until the first few inches of soil are dry before i water them. Are they in shock due to the switch?

I think I'm going to transplant them later on today once i get some more soil. Maybe that will work.


Active Member
how big are your pots? i water mine at least 2 times a day, droopy leaves=not enough h2o and the bigger the pots the less you have to water


Active Member
Your Equipment:
.1) Type and wattage of lights. (MH, HPS, CFL's, tube fluorescents, LED's)
.2) Distance from tops?
.3) Reflector type? (cool tube set-up, bat wing, enclosed reflector, bare bulb...)
.4) Is there a consistent fresh air supply?
.5) Do you have an exhaust fan and a circulation fan?
.6) What are the bulb wattages, kelvin ratings, and schedule?

Your nutrients and water:
10) Source of water? (tap, bottled or filtered) What's it's ph before adjusting?
11) Method of checking water ph. (ph pen, test strips, aquarium test kit...)
12) Method of adjusting water ph. (phosphoric acid, white vinegar, hydrated lime, PH Up...)
13) Specific brand and N-P-K ratio for each bottle. List dosages (quantity per gallon) and current feeding schedule.
14) How often are you watering between feedings, and how much per watering?
15) Any additives or tea's? (Superthrive, CalMag, molasses, Mother's Earth...)
16) Are your ph levels stable, or do they fluctuate?
17) What is your ingoing water's ph? ...your runoff ph?
1:cool: Do you foliar feed? If so, with what, how often, and at what time do you spray?

You better fix it before your in flowering to long and make it a hermie.


the droopy plant could be over watering or not enough water. how big is your containers? how big is your plants? small pots big plants plants drink more water


Well-Known Member
Yea , I have been watering my outdoor plant in a pot every day now they are blooming because they are useing it. I grow indoors hydro and they are fed all the time.



Mr I Can Do That For Half
If the pots are real small and you vegged for 2 months then your probably root bound and have nutrient lock out from nutrient salt build up


Well-Known Member
Exactly what I was thinking, that's probably why they stopped growing. Transplant into bigger pots and I think you'll see a big difference.

If the pots are real small and you vegged for 2 months then your probably root bound and have nutrient lock out from nutrient salt build up


so i transplanted because i found some pots. i think theyre 2 gallon pots now. as i transplanted them they did look root bound and dry. I'm glad i switched but should I put them back into veg for another 2 weeks? or is it to late?


Well-Known Member
it would probably take a week or 2 for the plants to revert back to veg so unless you want to veg for another 3-4 weeks, I would not switch back


Well-Known Member
I usually transplant to bigger pots right when I switch lighting, you're just doing it a couple of weeks later.