please a little advice


sweet glad 2 hr they improving,
cheers mate, gonna give them a few more days to a week then ill post pics back up and we will prob see a difference,weather its good or bad, im here to learn from you guys whats right n wrong

can i ask how often i should be giving them the biobizz mix

once every week? or once every 3-4 days or sumthing,let me know buddies

thanks again sweetsmoker for your help pal

learning slow,but surely :weed:


Well-Known Member
half strenght every other watering m8 is a gd place to start, see how they like it , then go from there if u see alittle burn then hold off a bit and if the leaves sart to thin ouy an get a papery up the dose, and its no prob to help a fellow grower, im always learning myself m8 an im on my 6th proper grow now lol


Well-Known Member
im always learning myself m8 an im on my 6th proper grow now lol
on my 30somethingth grow and learnin somethin all the time... the learning never stops when you think youve mastered it do a sog when youve mastered that do a scrog or lst or try hydro thers always something to keep it interesting


Well-Known Member
on my 30somethingth grow and learnin somethin all the time... the learning never stops when you think youve mastered it do a sog when youve mastered that do a scrog or lst or try hydro thers always something to keep it interesting

plan to but gotta master simple pot growing first lol would u av a gander at my journal? gt a droopy prob myself im not too worried as new growth still occuring and foliage still lush but its bin 6 dys since transplant now . see if u can spot a cause


nice 1 both you guys, need to get a gander at your journal, u got a link or its easy enough for me to find? lol

good luck to you tussel aswell, hope your stuff perks up for you soon pal


i find it quite hard aswell finding time to really bury my head in this forum and info,but i have 3 kids so its hard to escape at time, i need to know what scrog and sog is etc etc, ive saw alot of people saying it in other threads too, it would only ever be soil i could do guys, not in it for the money or that just a wee smoke, keeps me happy and insane, eh i mean sane lol

speak u soon troops,give me another coupe days and ill get these pics up,my plant is only in a 5 ltr pot(i think), its around nearly 6 week mark, could i put that into a bigger pot?

speak u soon troops



Well-Known Member
scrog means screen of green, and is basically where u place a square wire screen over a an area of plants and when the shoots poke through wrap them back under the screen and continue to do this untill screen is covered, then put into 12/12 to flower, end reault screen full of bud:) sog means sea of green where u place a large amount of plants in a small area and flower if u can straight from clone or if not after only a few weeks in 18/6 veg . this keeps plants small and provides a little bit of bud on each plant but because u have loads in ya grow room it adds up 2 a nice harvest bth ways are intended to save on space, or if u only have a small cupboard etc, you can keep light down low etc, hope that helps a bit m8

to look at my journal m8 click on my signature and look at my last posts, there is a way for me to paste the url but i aint gt a fucking clue how 2 do that


Well-Known Member
scrog means screen of green, and is basically where u place a square wire screen over a an area of plants and when the shoots poke through wrap them back under the screen and continue to do this untill screen is covered, then put into 12/12 to flower, end reault screen full of bud:) sog means sea of green where u place a large amount of plants in a small area and flower if u can straight from clone or if not after only a few weeks in 18/6 veg . this keeps plants small and provides a little bit of bud on each plant but because u have loads in ya grow room it adds up 2 a nice harvest bth ways are intended to save on space, or if u only have a small cupboard etc, you can keep light down low etc, hope that helps a bit m8

to look at my journal m8 click on my signature and look at my last posts, there is a way for me to paste the url but i aint gt a fucking clue how 2 do that
copy and paste my friend new journal cheese and easyrider<-----sweetsmoker's journal


cheers tussel thats some good info mate

and thanks aswell sweetsmoker, i will have a wee look at your journal thread pal, thanks



got a couple pics here guys , the bottom leaves are yellowing more, the biggest plant is about 1 1/2 feet,its around 6 1/2 weeks old

the smaller plant is about 3 weeks old, looks ok

cheers guys




hey guys, just wondering if sum 1 could gimmy a little advice, sometimes wen the lights have been on to their near time (18 hrs), the tops of a couple of the stems are bent over, like jelly'ish, once the go into darkness for their 6 hrs they pop back up again, nice and strong and straight, this must be a heat issue or and extraction problem guys?

ive also put the plant into a bigger pot a few days ago, its in a 10ltr pot now, i wasnt sure if it was too late to put it into a bigger pot, a mate told me it would be ok, i wasnt so sure, but he insisted it would be fine, another 2-3 weeks guys and flowering stage should begin

let me know what you guys think about my problem, ill try get some recent pics aswell



Well-Known Member
id say nt to worry m8, its a long day under strong light, if u worried lift the light a little and c if that helps, dont think its extraction as the whole plant wud b affescted . as for repotting they prob havent re rooted yet, but it will add stress to her. i try to start an finish in same pots to avoid transplanting as it always makes me nervous, handling them little roots post sum pics lets av a lookie :)


cheers mate for the reply, my plant is in flowering stage now, about 2 weeks,looks like its budding ok, jsut at the top ,about half an inch down from the top, ill try get some pics up, as you guys will probably tell if it should have more or less budding, anyway as it stands im happy the way the plant is just now, hopefull someone can confirm, i have another question tho, i have a little plant in veg aswell, its in another little cupboard, i was thinking wen i was swictyhing my lights on my other plant thats flowring for the 12 hours on 12 off, is it possible to put the other plant from the cupboard in there while the light is on for 12,as im only using cfl's for that other 1 in my cupboard, i was thinking it would give it a boost,then once i have to turn my lights off affter the 12 hours, i could just take the little 1 back out the and stik it back in the other cupboard with the cfl's, and keep doin that everyday till my other plant is finished flowering, i only have 1 hps light,thats why i was thinking i might be able to do that, but then again i dont know if it will confuse my plants thats flowering,or the other way about if u know wat i mean

try get soem pics asap guys
cheers troops



Well-Known Member
hmm not sure on the moving in an out of cupboard, sounds harmless enuff cant see why it wud freak out, it happens in nature all the time. i.e cloud cover etc. wait for someone who has maybe tried it, before doing it but i wud GUESS its ok m8, im into my 3rd week now and my easyriders has gone nuts lol loving it:) will look out for ya pics m8


cheers for the reply mate, ill get a look at your thread also mate,thanks again for the info ma man

will try get pics asap, i can only put lights on at 12 midnight,so thats the only time i can get pic apart from in the morning time before the lights go off at 12 miday

hot often u think i should water them mate? plant is a little worse for wear at the edges of some of the leaves,quite crispy edges,i figured itt might be heat,so i moved the plant down a bit, i have only been giving them straight tap water thats been lying 24hrs, when the pot is light, im thinking i should maybe leave it a little some little buds showing anyway, im just happy im on the riught track,even if i dont make anything from it, i will be doin a 2nd grow nayway,and 3rd hopefully lol

see u guys for now



Well-Known Member
gd 2 hear all gd m8 u are ph adjusting the water arnt ya? wud av 2 see pics to see if lightburn how far u along now? it should start to bang out flowers at a gd rate soon