How to do SOG???

My grow room is 7ft length,5ft width and 6ft tall. ive got 2 600w hps. ive got 2 white widow,3 white rhino and bbcheese clones how many plants could i get under the lights and i only want the plants to get to 3ft tops by the end of flowering. how long veg for and when to top?


Well-Known Member
My grow room is 7ft length,5ft width and 6ft tall. ive got 2 600w hps. ive got 2 white widow,3 white rhino and bbcheese clones how many plants could i get under the lights and i only want the plants to get to 3ft tops by the end of flowering. how long veg for and when to top?
SOG works best with clones of the same strain which are put into flowering after a short veg period or immediately after taking root. It's really up to you how long you want to veg or if you want to throw them right into flowering after rooting. You want to pack as many plants as you can into your flowering room and you will probably need to maintain some mother plants for taking cuttings if you do it this way. If you do some searching you may be able to find out more specific info on how people run their SOG. Best of luck my friend.


New Member
SOG works best with clones of the same strain which are put into flowering after a short veg period or immediately after taking root. It's really up to you how long you want to veg or if you want to throw them right into flowering after rooting. You want to pack as many plants as you can into your flowering room and you will probably need to maintain some mother plants for taking cuttings if you do it this way. If you do some searching you may be able to find out more specific info on how people run their SOG. Best of luck my friend.

SOG requires two seperate areas operating on different photoperiods,



Well-Known Member
My grow room is 7ft length,5ft width and 6ft tall. ive got 2 600w hps. ive got 2 white widow,3 white rhino and bbcheese clones how many plants could i get under the lights and i only want the plants to get to 3ft tops by the end of flowering. how long veg for and when to top?
Zero Veg... take big clones... and lollipops them...

I fit 48 single cola lollies under each of my 600s... I use 3x3 ebb flow trays...

If you follow Fuct's recipe, expect 1 gram per watt from the beginning...

Take a peek at my thread.. LOTS of pics...

Also read these a couple of times...

If you do this... you will have success...

Al B. Fuct's recipe has been PROVEN many times over by many of us...



My SoG...

clones.. packed tight in RW cubes..

as the clones get rooted, the get poted into 5.5" square pots...

then the pots are packed in as tight as I can get in my tray...

7 rows of 7, minus one for the fittings...

this is a Zip a Day "perpetual harvest" SoG...

Does that help???:-P


Well-Known Member
Zero Veg... take big clones... and lollipops them...

I fit 48 single cola lollies under each of my 600s... I use 3x3 ebb flow trays...

If you follow Fuct's recipe, expect 1 gram per watt from the beginning...

Take a peek at my thread.. LOTS of pics...

Also read these a couple of times...

If you do this... you will have success...

Al B. Fuct's recipe has been PROVEN many times over by many of us...



My SoG...

clones.. packed tight in RW cubes..

as the clones get rooted, the get poted into 5.5" square pots...

then the pots are packed in as tight as I can get in my tray...

7 rows of 7, minus one for the fittings...

this is a Zip a Day "perpetual harvest" SoG...

Does that help???:-P
Holy shit man!!! Nice setup.


Well-Known Member
holy shit that helps wat strain are u growing? and u dont top any plants?

7 strains total..

4 bagseed... + Brother's Grimm C99, BC WW and BC Juicy Jruit...

Single cola lollipop means the OPPOSITE of topping... so no I do not top anything in my SoG...

I COPIED AL B. FUCT... and I had success..

I highly recommend you do the same...

I will quote myself for you...

"It is not the only way to grow... but when I ignored ALL other ways... and the lights came on... I found myself in a Sea of Green..."
GypsyBush on Al B. Fuct's SoG recipe...

Illustration courtesy of Al B. Fuct...:clap:

gotta give u respect uv made my hole week iv been searching for the answer and this is it cant get my head round it am well chuffed


Well-Known Member
If you COPY Al B. Fuct... You will get the same results...


It's all based on Science... zero guess work...

Just make sure to READ his threads back to front and back a few times...

Trust Al... many of us are glad we did...

still cant find wat am looking for all i need to no now is how long should i veg my ww and wr from seed to get the lollipop effect plz help


Well-Known Member
He is talking about doing it from seed....

You can do it from seed... but SOG is mostly a CLONE THING...

But it's possible to so it with seeds...

Strains vary, but I still say zero veg...

If you want a lollipop from seed give it 12/12 from day one...


If you want to do SOG, grow out your moms and flower zero veg clones....;-)


Well-Known Member
no worries bro... you are right though... SoG is zero veg...:razz:

That is why it is so efficient...

Only a vertical SOG can beat it...

I use a small fluoro light for my moms and clones and my HPS lights are ALWAYS making bud... never vegging....;-)