plant prob with pics

poke smot420

Well-Known Member
mites are little black specs on the underside of the leaves. small enough you can almost smash them with your fingers. also on the top parts of your leaves there will be little white specs. thats where they suck the juices from your plant and take poop. most likely not mites though.


Active Member
no i havent checked for mites what do i look for?
Leaves will generally have small white spots on the top-sides. To confirm, I like to use at least a 30X jeweler's loupe (if you don't have one, get'll need to check trics later anyway). Look on the undersides of the leaves during lights on period. If spider mites, you will generally see eggs and mature mites...the mites DO look an awful lot like mini spiders.


Active Member
why are the leafs curling in and has funny looking color on it
Without more information, I would also agree in saying high heat and possible overwatering. You really need to give more information about your set up, nutes - how often, what kind, etc., lighting, fans...anything you can think of that will help diagnose your issue.


Well-Known Member
Re: Mites . . . hold a card, envelope, etc under the leaf and flick it (the leaf). Mite's might fall off so you can see them. Bottom webbing between the main stalk and the branches, close in, also an indicator.

The reason I didn't suggest heat/water issues is because you got them this far along w/o this issue, so why would it just start out of the blue? (unless ur somewhere where it's late spring and heats new to the formula)


Active Member
Re: Mites . . . hold a card, envelope, etc under the leaf and flick it (the leaf). Mite's might fall off so you can see them. Bottom webbing between the main stalk and the branches, close in, also an indicator.

The reason I didn't suggest heat/water issues is because you got them this far along w/o this issue, so why would it just start out of the blue? (unless ur somewhere where it's late spring and heats new to the formula)
i started plant under cfl it was about 3 weeks into budding then i added 400w hps 2 weeks ago and for about 4 days after that it got up to 100+ now its high is 93 (during hot part of the day) after adding a/c normaly about 87

could be overwater but i do let the top 2-3 inches dry out befor watering

when i fertilize i use mgrow about half str


Active Member
yes hermi how can you tell from that pic? i havent noticed any pistils browning or shriveling
ok so i need to lower the temp alot.. what other probs do you see?



New Member
yes hermi how can you tell from that pic? i havent noticed any pistils browning or shriveling
ok so i need to lower the temp alot.. what other probs do you see?

right at the very top bud at the right hand side i see clusters of nuts.
recheck the pistils further down the plant.


Active Member
i see the nuts now.. i have been seeing pollen on some of the leaves but didnt see nuts..
ok he/she is in dark now will check tomorrow if pistles are browning or shriveling is that good or bad?


New Member
i see the nuts now.. i have been seeing pollen on some of the leaves but didnt see nuts..
ok he/she is in dark now will check tomorrow if pistles are browning or shriveling is that good or bad?

can you not see the nuts???????


Active Member
i can in the picture and i know they are there because i see pollen.. i guess i didnt pay much attention


New Member
i can in the picture and i know they are there because i see pollen.. i guess i didnt pay much attention
you wont see pollen particles and when the pollen sacks(nuts) open they will drop pollen on to the lower buds causing the pistils to brown and shrivel.
sorry for your bad luck and i know its heart breaking as its happened to me only from bad seed genetics and i was gutted,
