When Should I Start A Grow in cali ?


Active Member
I live in northern california near sac it gets really hot here in the summer im want to start a out door garden in the spring but im not sure if i should start some plants indoors then try to move them out. what would be a good bread of haze to grow outdoor here


Active Member
I live in northern california near sac it gets really hot here in the summer im want to start a out door garden in the spring but im not sure if i should start some plants indoors then try to move them out. what would be a good bread of haze to grow outdoor here
come on bro your in cali ... u can grow what ever strain u please ... and i see no need for starting indoors in cali...


Active Member
i tryed to put some clones out about a month ago and they died it was hot around 104F+ some days
u dont wanna put clones straight out in 104 + heat .. if u would of started them early spring they would be huge bushes by now.. they can handle the heat once they are bigger .. i dont think u will have to big of a problem as long as u keep them waterd...


A good time to shot for will be late Feb to early March. You may want to think abut topping plants to be grown outside, especially if they are only 6" tall, but everyone has an opinion on that. Outdoor plants in a decent location get plenty of sun, and will make tons of branches with nice cola's 'au natural.


Well-Known Member
I live in northern california near sac it gets really hot here in the summer im want to start a out door garden in the spring but im not sure if i should start some plants indoors then try to move them out. what would be a good bread of haze to grow outdoor here
Any would grow its only a weed. You would do good to start it inside then train it to move outside next spring. Meaning to give it direct sunlight a little at a time then eventually leave it outside. I buy clones and do it in the bay every year. A pic of my gurls this year.



Active Member
if you want to grow some monsters, veg some plants inside for a month then put them outside around the spring solstice after the frost stops, might want to use a light cycle with less light so they dont go into flowering when u stick them outside like maybe 16/8 or 15/9. but by this time this year you'll be drooling waiting for them to finish


Well-Known Member
one thing i learned the hard way about hot california weather/sun is that the pots the plants are in will get SUPER hot if you allow direct sunlight to the pots which will heat stress the roots.. if you do an outdoor grow, shade the pots or plant the plants directly in the ground.

for 2 weeks i had no clue what was stressing my plants, i found out when i stuck my finger into the soil and burnt my finger! so just a warning.. watch the pot temps lol..


Active Member
if you want to grow some monsters, veg some plants inside for a month then put them outside around the spring solstice after the frost stops, might want to use a light cycle with less light so they dont go into flowering when u stick them outside like maybe 16/8 or 15/9. but by this time this year you'll be drooling waiting for them to finish

if they start to flower around march will they go back into the veg state in april or may
pot heat my have been why my last couple of plant died

i live only about 1 1/2 hours from you. ive never had any problems with heat stress or anything...str8 from seeds let them pop outside..usally most ppl start outdoor around mid may or when rain n frost stops.most ppl i know will start veg indoor about month early then put them outside when time comes.i did clones this year..no problems at r my one seedling didnt do well but it was a male..so doesnt matter.direct sun light thing in my part in r area kinda bs?had a friend germ seeds stuck them outside not 1 single problem with any of the plants.with the humidity and heat just check them on day to day bias and see. my friends plants get direct sun basically while its up to and when starts go down goes down gets some shade.