cops monitoring this site?


Well-Known Member
the only cops that are on here are growing there own damn plants lol you know some of them smoke for sure i've seen some dumb ass cops mayb they was just stoned.


Well-Known Member
And how exactly are they are going to get your IP? Then once they have your IP all that will get them is who your ISP is. Next they'll have to get a warrant to get the ISP to release your information.

Trust me the cops aren't going to go through the trouble for your pissant grow. And before everyone tells me I don't know what I'm talking about. I worked for a company about 5 years ago. We had a serious hack into our computer systems that caused us close to million in damages and eventually led to the collapse of our company.

Not only did we have this guys IP address, we had logs showing everything he had done and even had a good idea who it was. It took us over a year just to get the ISP to give up the info. We had two people that were dedicated almost full time to working with the police/FBI/DA's office trying to push this forward.

They can track your IP address to find out where your using the computer.


fuck the police they cant take us all to jail....doe they are trying


This question comes up all the time. I feel it’s dumb because really you have nothing to worry about, unless you’re dumb. Just chill out man, there is way worse shit to think about than this. I used to be all paranoid, and then just one day accepted that the cops are not on their way everyday to bust my door down. You know who you can deal with and who not to deal with, and if you don’t then you will most likely get busted.
bump. I can't spend my day paranoid


Well-Known Member
look this site is cool business i would worry more about your local hydro store. think that the fucklice,, i mean the police, arent monitoring those parkinglots the last time i went to the only growstore in chicago i saw this guy loading a sick amount of equipement into his van this guy had to just drop 2grand. he had flood tables ,lights, somemore shit its like he brought every thing all at once gaint rolls of white paper...... and i was scared to buy some net pots
Just so you know, there are 3 grow stores in the Chicago area. Brew n Grow in the city and in roselle and Hydrocork down by hillside. All good grow shops with good people.
You know it's hard to say. I wouldn't worry about it that much, I doubt the feds are taking the time to read posts and try to scan through your pictures of who they can catch. Just hope your neighbors don't catch those five footers you got peaking over the fence and you should be good!