AsianKatie's First Grow (Indoor)


Well-Known Member
no...he just keeps track of the ppm and ph and does not flush until 2 weeks before harvest. his last grow the colas were so big he had to tie them up so they would not fall over.
interesting, how does he keep the pH and ppm down without changing the water??

he is able to keep the pH at 6?

eww someone on another thread asked me if i had nudes @_@ fucking assholes.


New Member
interesting, how does he keep the pH and ppm down without changing the water??

he is able to keep the pH at 6?

eww someone on another thread asked me if i had nudes @_@ fucking assholes.
he seems to think that with a large container like we are using, the larger the plants get you end up adding a lot of water. as for ph he adds vineger if ph is low and baking soda if its high, but the ph has always been between 5.8 and 6. he uses both meters and has never had a problem...
wow.... nobody has ever ask if I have nudes....:shock:

Micheal Kelso

Well-Known Member
eww someone on another thread asked me if i had nudes @_@ fucking assholes.
Haha - you are very popular on here Katie - this thread is almost up to 3,000 views and your plants are still just seedlings... by the end you're going to have like 15,000 :mrgreen:

Good luck with your grow. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Haha - you are very popular on here Katie - this thread is almost up to 3,000 views and your plants are still just seedlings... by the end you're going to have like 15,000 :mrgreen:

Good luck with your grow. :peace:

Nice.... I was just checking out this new "lonely grower" thread too! This is some serious playboy poor moves going on in this board.

Strangely uncomfortable.......... I'm sure this will be my last view lest I be fully creeped out.

p.s. - GL w the grow!


Well-Known Member
r u letting your hair down AK?lol,and now all i need is a airstone,im almost there,lol....ras
oh fuckin sweet, be sure to get the long ones. ^_^ and cut your airhose so that its the shortest it can be.. you want the least amount of distance traveled, it will supply you with more bubbles


Well-Known Member
Nice.... I was just checking out this new "lonely grower" thread too! This is some serious playboy poor moves going on in this board.

Strangely uncomfortable.......... I'm sure this will be my last view lest I be fully creeped out.

p.s. - GL w the grow!
not really sure what that means.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Let's see update:

Tomorrow I am going to attempt a water change we'll see how this goes.. But for now here's some picture updates:

For our lovely survivor we are on day 12, She's looking pretty good but i am a little concerned because 2 of the leaves have a little bit of yellow on them, like spots? I'm not sure what to attribute this to, it could have something to do with the fact that those were the leaves that the cat bit in an earlier stage but all the new growth leaves coming out look great, those were the first set that came out of her..

Our round 2 set of 3 are on day 7 they are all looking fairly similar, heres a picture of one of them

and our "dud" or what we thought was a dud seems to be doing pretty well, i think it's on day 3 from "hatching" the new leaves that were coming out of it (aside the sprout leaves) were a little wizzen (not even sure if that's a word) but i put some direct water onto the rockwool last night and it seems to have perked up

and finally heres is a picture of the round 2 and the survivor as a whole..

and the roots seem to be doing well too.



Well-Known Member
Haha - you are very popular on here Katie - this thread is almost up to 3,000 views and your plants are still just seedlings... by the end you're going to have like 15,000 :mrgreen:

Good luck with your grow. :peace:
lol it's because your a girl and there are alot of lonely, board young men on here, and your avatar shows a hot aisan chick (which i'm sure is you), and thats why it's at 3000, but anyway, whats the word on the ppm meter? -cult


Well-Known Member
lol it's because your a girl and there are alot of lonely, board young men on here, and your avatar shows a hot aisan chick (which i'm sure is you), and thats why it's at 3000, but anyway, whats the word on the ppm meter? -cult
grrr.. i'll look on ebay. god you fuckin weed nazis!


Well-Known Member
I couldn't find how to build the hydro system you got going there. I looked in the GrowFAQ. Could you send me a link, or share some secrets?