who's fucking wit cheez??????


Well-Known Member
wish i could smoke this shit now but i cant .. matt
cause it aint dunn ....
dammmm mee!!!!!
but its worth the wait......
3weeks left....


Well-Known Member
iI wont be able to post any pics for a while....
however theyre looking nice....

See what happened is i notice someone was chopping my plant....
everyday i would come home and find cut branches...
The motherfucka even chopped the top buds....

So anyway i pretended to go to work yesterday like always but instead i just waited acrosss the street to see was doin it....
sure enuff i caught that bitch ....
and out of raged i punched him in the face....
and then kicked the shit out of him.....
unfortunatly .... he might press charges ....
it was one of my cousins friends....(16yrs old)... i shouldnt beat up kids...i kno..:sad:

it sucks that u can get time for kicking a burglers ass...

the guy is trying to alert the authorities to my gro... but luckily i have a license....mj card...prop 215

so ill keep yall posted to seee if he presses charges.....


Well-Known Member
wish i could smoke this shit now but i cant .. matt
cause it aint dunn ....
dammmm mee!!!!!
but its worth the wait......
3weeks left....
I'm in the same time frame bro maybe 3 weeks but these girls are my favorites and they finish early.I refuse to let this Chiesel accidental strain die it numbs out the head and locks you down on the couch with brilliant colors when you close you're eyes.It Aint easy being cheezy huh cheezy?


Well-Known Member
I'm in the same time frame bro maybe 3 weeks but these girls are my favorites and they finish early.I refuse to let this Chiesel accidental strain die it numbs out the head and locks you down on the couch with brilliant colors when you close you're eyes.It Aint easy being cheezy huh cheezy?
tech nuttty!
i could chopp these babes next week ...
but i feel like they could still grow bigger...
cause these fans leaves are real green and healthy....

"cheisel strain die it numbs out the head and lock you down"...im confused ....kinda

but cheers to your gro tech ...
you were on my last grow
you told me to get a fiver... which i have....
good calll


Well-Known Member
oooo i woulda liked to see that =)
it was a sad sight for sore eyes...lol
yeah it wasnt like a mike tyson blow...
just enuff to make him feeel it...
the kid went and cried to his mom and she called me.... i explanned what happened...
she was saying they were gona call the po ....to scare me ... but nothin happened...

they lil dude was just taking enuff to roll a bleeze...
after he would stop bye and hang wit my little cuz...

i think the plants will survive....


Well-Known Member
looks like some good smoke soon! tell us how it tastes when ur done very cheeeeesseeeyy?
del taco boy....lol
yeah thanx for stopin in...
im gonna takle some new pics..today
it might be tuff threw the big barrracade a made...
i have this big fence in front of my closet to secure my ish since the beheading of my plant.... will see
I guess im back where i started ...
growing weed blazed out and just acting retarded...
i hate the life that im living .....
dont believe me ask my wife and my children.....

new pics .... :-P

Sean Peeeeeeeee!!!!!!

Ruck is that dude.
love the grow and the taste in hip hop



Well-Known Member
Sean Peeeeeeeee!!!!!!

Ruck is that dude.
love the grow and the taste in hip hop

you blew my cover...
peeee is a mad man ....
cop that kimbo price....

listen to tupac....
thinkin u dubbed out...
hittem wit two shots....
im thinkin u slugged out..
niggas is bugged out .....
two many dust joints....
Get to the point Ruck!
Ruck is like fuck points!
niggas hope sean popp!
niggas know sean flopp..
johnny rambo shit f beam with the long stock......!!!PPPPPPPPPPPPPEEEE


Well-Known Member
heres what i can capture threww the barracade...

shit is smellin great ....
looks better without the 400 on...
pics kinda suck ..... but they are hella proper....

im thinking of cutting them in two weeks.....
what do yall think???
that would only be 60 days flowereing ....
should i go longer???

My fan leaves are still kinda green....
alittle spotting... do to ongoing fire....
that fire is only about 15 miles from my house ... i can see it out my window.... clearly!
its making the whole town hotter!

its 80 degrees in the mourning
95 in the day ...
and 85 at night ....outside
and inside my room temps are a few degrees lower .....
any thought would be apreccited

