Nervous bout outdoor first grow please help!

after decent results inside i decided to try my hand in my first outdoor grow.. Only one plant. Desiel Clone.

When should i start seeing budding? It is well over 4 ft tall but seems like its not flowering. I know people have told me i still have til late october but shouldn't I see cola formation and the beginning of the budding stage already? Do I have to force it to flower?
Any and all help greatly appreciated
That's odd should be flowering by now, where bouts you at?
Northeast USA

the light here is still not quite 12/12 but i was expecting to see bud foramation by now. I have been told not to worry and they will explode towards end of sept/early oct but I am a bit nervous.. it looks like just more leaf growth.. plant is very healthy green and bushy...


Active Member
I also am from the NE and usually stay indoors but have done it outside quite a few times, usually mine were about 40% done by now and usually chopped mid oct. You really don't have to worry about the temps unless they get below freezing, then you wanna chop. Besides when we get some chilly weather it has been known to put purple tones into your ladies...