what is your biggest fear?


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3010776]Wikid is my biggest fear


Why do you fear lil ol me?

*tackles you behind the couch where no one can see what I do to you* :twisted:


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3010859]*cries out loud like a lil girl*



What's my name bitch?

I SAID what's my name?!


Well-Known Member
I fear nothing. From the fears I have read; they are irrational and you can do nothing about them - so why waste your time?


Well-Known Member
Did you know the only fears that you are born with are the fear of sudden loud noises and the fear of the sensation of falling? Every other fear you have is one you learned along the way.

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
uummm... sharks... you ever swim in the ocean? seriously... specially like the Caribbean and shit... omg.. i cant go over my head cuz im so fucking paranoid about a dirty shark coming up and jawzing me.
I went deep sea fishing off hawaii with friends who own a 50 ft commercial boat. When we stopped for the night I was always jumping in and swimming for a half hour or so until we caught a friggin giant ass shark like 12 feet long. After getting a close up look at the pointy end of that thing my ocean swiming days are over. No way Jose!:-o:!: