24/24 instead of 12/12

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
I dont think there would be any benefit at all from doing a 24/24 schedule. Mygirls was trying something with a 12/36 schedule or something like that but im not sure how it went.


Well-Known Member
Impossible to flower under 24/24, though it would probably veg, though not as well as 24/0.

I've heard of someone going 12/6 in flower to speed things up... anyone else heard of anyone doing 12/6 to flower?

I know some people say it's the DECREASE in the LIGHT period that promotes it to flower, while others say it's the INCREASE in DARK period that prompts flowers. I personally believe the former, which is why I think 12/6 would work.

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
I usually bump my lights down to 10/14 for the last 2 weeks of flower and it works well for me.