I didn't cut off those lower "unproductive" branches


Well-Known Member
First off. This is a bitchen strain that doesn't grow too tall but finishes fast and pretty thick. She litteraly was put in a pot from clone 90 days ago and grown outdoors. She's not tall but a beast.

"White Berry"

What's amazing is how different the two clones looked the day I got them. They are almost twins now but 90 days ago one was a runt.

Regarding the strain. They hit the breaks on stretching once they flower. Just fyi, might be a good thing or a bad thing for you depending on your growing needs. For short ceilings I recommend this strain. But these girls fall under the "Two Feet of Funk" category in my opinion. For a late start they are solid producers in a super hot and wild summer.

Onto the lower limbs. I hear so much about trimming. I know it has its purpose but i really believe in what my friends tell me and what Fdd has preached all along. The strain is more refined than we are. Let it do its thing.

I think 50% or more of my yield will come from these lower colas. They're like rocket ships!

Here they were late June as clones. The runt on the left...I don't know which one she is. They both look kind of the same now.

So anyway...sure am glad I didn't start hacking away while vegging. What would I have missed out on? A lot in my opinion. I don't think chopping these lower limbs would have produced an equal amount somewhere else because they were removed either. It's clear to me that I'm gonna let White Berry do her thing. The only cutting she saw was the 7 clones I took about a month ago :leaf:



Well-Known Member
beautifal man, good to see some productive growth, if you wouldnt have told me they were clones id say they look like auto's haha


Well-Known Member
Looks sweet Dubs. I only trim lower stuff for cleanliness really. I don't cut branches but rather strip the stragaly stuff off.
I'll ask the guy I got them from if they came from auto seeds. You would think their traits would pass on as clones. He buys from larger seed banks and hates males so my guess is at one point the mother came from an auto. I can find out.

I understand the straggly stuff. I do that too depending on the situation. But I know guys that straight up hack limbs to get a bigger main.

I don't think a bigger main cola could come close to duplicating the growth of these lower cola's.

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Onto the lower limbs. I hear so much about trimming. I know it has its purpose but i really believe in what my friends tell me and what Fdd has preached all along. The strain is more refined than we are. Let it do its thing.

I think 50% or more of my yield will come from these lower colas. They're like rocket ships!
I understand the straggly stuff. I do that too depending on the situation. But I know guys that straight up hack limbs to get a bigger main.

I don't think a bigger main cola could come close to duplicating the growth of these lower cola's.
Im one of those people that as you say ''hack limbs'' lol. Indoor plants thrive when trimmed but outdoor plants dont need as much trimming (if any) because the sun has the best light penetration you can get. It also has its own built in light mover lol so you get great coverage around the entire plant aswell.

Nice lookin plant mate, good work.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Yea I only prune branches when I feel like they won't get enough light. Mostly an indoor growing strategy IMO. We try to pack the maximum number of plants into a given space with lights that can't compare to power of the sun so we have to sacrifice something. But that White Berry is looking lovely.


Active Member
i agree, with all of this, but i kept my lower stuff and got quite a bit from it, i say let it grow crazy.


Well-Known Member
i agree, with all of this, but i kept my lower stuff and got quite a bit from it, i say let it grow crazy.
I'm gonna put these White Berry's in my indoor. I don't think I want to prune them though. I understand if you have a strain you know like a motha' and want to cut those lower branches. One time, or two, give that plant a chance and let it do it's thing.

The sun is killer, but I don't get 24 or 18 hours of veg either.