Active Member
this is my 1st grow i have 3 plants one of them is yellowing at 1st i thought it was burn off so i cut off the leaves but since i put them in bigger pots i thought it would do better and just take off the other 2 have what might just be burn off they are about 1 1/2 weeks into flowering my medium is miracle grow moisture control mixed with dirt i tend to keep the soil pretty moist i give each pot about 3-4 cups of water a day. as for nutrients they only get what's in the soil. I'm working on a stealth closet i hoping o move them in within the next 2 weeks this Midwest weather is gettin cold. here's pics I'd appreciate any advice which i'm sure you all have plenty of



i think the the problem wit yur bottom leaves is a nitrogen deficiency

cuz my plant had the same problem but it ended up being a nitrogen deficiency


Well-Known Member
I thought so either over watering or i wa like maybe it's nitrogen but i don't grow hydro does soil have nitrogen?
Well, it's both really. When you over water, you smother the roots (they can't get any air), so osmosis slows to a crawl and the plant begins loosing turgor pressure, which is a fancy way of saying, the plant begins to droop. Once osmosis is slowed enough, the plant can't get sufficient nutrients, and usually the first sign is nitrogen deficiency (yellowing of lower fan leaves).

A big mistake a lot of people will make when they encounter this situation is to add more fertilizer, thinking it is a lack of nitrogen in the soil. This only adds insult to injury. There may be, and usually is, an adequate amount of nitrogen in the soil, so by adding even more you just end up further injuring the plant, and in a lot of cases, killing it.

The best advice I can give you, let the soil dry out. You'll know when a pot is truly dry when the center of gravity is in the plant. Once it's finally dry (may take a week depending on how bad it is), lightly water the plant with plain water. Wait for it to dry out again, and repeat. Once you start seeing new green growth, you can give it a shot of 1/4 stregth nute (if the soil isn't fortified).


Well-Known Member
so when i over water my plant does it slow down the growth?
To a crawl. Often times, over watered plants don't make it, the ones that do can take up to 4 weeks to recover.


Well-Known Member
i'm so glad i found this out perfect timing
Yeah, hopefully you've caught it in time. Most cannabis species evolved in fairly dry arid regions, in light well drained soils. As a result, cannabis is not very tolerant of damp, soggy conditions. When using peat based soil mixes you have to be very carefull not to over water because peat can hold an enormous amount of water. Next time you plant, consider amending your soil with perlite and/or sand, which makes the soil mix more resistant to over watering by allowing a lot of drainage. Remember, you can always add water, but once it's in the soil, you can't take it away. So always err on the side of too little water, rather than too much.


Well-Known Member
Im surprised it made it this far,,, but,,, overwatering,, watered down nutrients in soil,, putting fresh dirt or just a layer of fresh dirt might help,, I only water once every 5 days but the norm on here is once every 3 days,, all depends on conditions.... but good luck with that, I think your going to be really happy with your results.....:leaf:
Yeah, hopefully you've caught it in time. Most cannabis species evolved in fairly dry arid regions, in light well drained soils. As a result, cannabis is not very tolerant of damp, soggy conditions. When using peat based soil mixes you have to be very carefull not to over water because peat can hold an enormous amount of water. Next time you plant, consider amending your soil with perlite and/or sand, which makes the soil mix more resistant to over watering by allowing a lot of drainage. Remember, you can always add water, but once it's in the soil, you can't take it away. So always err on the side of too little water, rather than too much.


Well-Known Member
dont know right now,, a little early in flower but if you dont get your yellowing under control it will greatly affect the outcome and maybe kill the plant,, I only say this because Ive killed a few in my day like that... again,, good luck.....:leaf:
other than that you guys think these look like good budsbongsmilie


Active Member
yea i've stopped watering them for a while the last yellowing plants are starting to fall off but it's not moving any further up the plant YET but my soil is drying pretty well. wuts the range a plants takes to finish after flowering...i'm so stoked just to be like yea i got good plants growin right now:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
some strains are 6 - 8 weeks flowering and some like sativas are longer flowering like 10 - 12 weeks,, Ive had mostly 8 - 9 weeks.......


Well-Known Member
Its a great feeling when your plant makes it to the end and harvest,,,, very addictive hobby,,, its a lot of fun, just gets a little expensive sometimes cause you always want to do a better job on every grow......


some sativas flower 16 weeks plus. im pretty sure those are some sort of mexican sativa, and should be able to finish by late oct.


The pot in your first picture is transparent, you can't let light hit your roots, wrap something around it or change your pot!!